6 - Seraphine

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I floated around, mentally. I kept seeing if I had vision, but nothing. I was a statue. "..Done resisting me?" Manipulator appeared, smiling at me. I growled, "Why would I stop resisting you? YOU TURNED ME INTO A FUCKING STATUE!" She touched my cheek, "..Then why let me do this?" I stared deep into her eyes, "..Because you're manipulating me.." She grinned, "And yet you can't stop me!" She sat down on my bed, "..What do I want to do with the great Seraphine Rose?" She grinned, "I could turn you into so many things..make you do things that you wouldn't do." She lifted me up with her power, "..Turn you into food for the dogs, or rum for the goons. I could turn you into furniture and have Alex sit on you without ever knowing that it'd be you..but no. You're more useful to me as an animate being."

She smiled, her black hair glistening, "..Hehe.." She pushed me back and I tried to fight back but she pinned me, "Your mind is as good as mine.." She summoned an orb, and I knew what it was. My core. "..Actually. It is mine. That's why your resistance has been slowing down.." She neared me my ear, "..Ever so slowly. But I sped it up.." She was at my ear, whispering, "..And you didn't even realize." I stared aimlessly. Alex..h-hurry up. "He won't be saving you. At least not for years, child. You're as good as mine for the rest of your life." She grinned and that's all I saw, was her grin. Pheles was gone, probably too weak to stay in my mind like this.

She yawned, laying next to me, "I'll do what I want with you..in the morning." She tapped my nose and I descended even deeper into my mind.

I woke up, "Wh-" I was still in my mental form. She sat there, sipping tea. "So, I've decided on what you'll be."

I appeared in the physical world, dressed in a maid outfit, "No." She stared at me, "What did you say to me?" I stared up at her, "No." She smacked me, "..It's No, Master. To you." I growled but I looked at her, "..N-ng..M-Master.." She smiled, "Good good." She ruffled my hair, "You'll be my personal maid and assistant." I nodded, "..O-Of course.." She narrowed her eyes, "You still think you can resist, huh?" I blinked, "..I-I just want to see Alex, Master." She blinked. "..That boy?" I nodded and she sighed, "..So if I let you see that boy, you'll obey?" I nodded, "Yes, Master." She smiled, "Great!" She hugged me, "..Now clean yourself up, I need you to attend a meeting with me." I nodded, "Yes, Master." I walked off, obedient. I hung my head, "..Alex.." I washed my face, combed through my hair and applied perfume. I walked back out, ready. She grinned, kissing my cheek, "That's a good girl." I stared, "..I-.." She shushed me, "Shh. Don't say anything about it. Keep it between us, okay? I'll treat you nice." I was smiling, "Okay, Master!" She opened a rift, ushering me through. I blinked, we were..back at Destroyer Territory. She was a completely different person, yet I knew her instinctively as Master. "Master, why-" She waved her hand, "Shh..something's different." I dodged a strike, "Master-" She was smirking. "..You heightened your security."

"Of course." A man in a suit approached us, "..I assume this is your heightened security, madame?" She nodded, "..As you saw, your security still pales in comparison to my..lovely assistant and maid." He smirked, "I would hope so. Though, I don't know about keeping her in a maid outfit." She shrugged, "It suits her." We started to walk and she looked to me, smiling, "Nice reaction." I smiled, "Thank you, Master. I didn't know I was your security." She laughed, "..It'll be fine. I dou-" An explosion hit the bridge we were about to go over, "..Attention! Chief of Staff Azura, please remain where you are." I blinked. She..was a brass of the Destroyer Order? She smiled, "Sera, be mindful and get rid of them for me, would you?" I smiled, "As you wish!" I kicked off the ground, slicing clean into the transport ship. I kicked off the side of it, smiling as it fell, "Bye!" I landed next to her and she smiled, "They never learn not to mess with me. Let's get going before more of those grunts come." We hurried along and then we were in an elevator. The man looked at me, "What's your name, maid?" I looked to Master and she smiled, "Her name is Sera. She only answers to me." He looked at me closer, "..As in the Rebellion's Star?" She nodded, "..She defected from them..only to fall into my grasp!" She smiled, "..But it's better for her." We hit our floor and we got out. I walked by her side until we got to her office, "Sera, do you wish to attend this meeting as my assistant, or would you rather stay out?" I thought, "..I want to be by your side, Master." She smiled, "Great." She opened the door and several individuals all looked towards us. "..Azura! It's been awhile!" A man sat on her desk and she looked at him, "Get off my desk or I'll have her dispatch of you." He grinned, "Let her tr-" My blade was against his throat, drawing blood. "..Get off her desk." He gulped, "..W-What kind of crazy security did you get this time!?" She grinned as she sat down on her desk, "The kind that can handle anyone besides me in the room." I stood next to her and she looked to the room, "..This is my crime syndicate, Sera. You were sent to dispatch of these individuals, and had I not stopped you for my own plans..you would've killed them all." I blinked, "..I.." My head started to hurt, SERA! Mom? I was groaning, "..Seems your security has a mental issue." I stared at the door, "..S-Some..one's coming..M-Master.." The doors opened, "Chief of Staff Azura!" Mom stood there. My composure didn't slip though. Master stood up, "Ah..I see." Everyone in the room was gone suddenly. "Welcome to my office, Captain." Mom looked at me, "Who's she?" Master smiled, "My assistant." She shook her head, "So what brings you here, Captain?" Mom looked back at her from me, "I need you to use your contacts for something."

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