2 - Alexander

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I woke up on the couch, sighing. Sera. Why couldn't you stop yourself? Is the Rebellion truly that powerful..? "Alleexx.." She was peeking over the couch. I blinked, "..Huh? SERAPHINE!?" She was only in her bra and panties, "PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!" She shook her head, "..it's too hot in your dorm to put them back on.." She walked around and I sighed, "What do you want?" She sat down and looked at me, she was still tired. "..I'm hungry but tired." I blinked at her, "..How are you 16?" She blinked, "..I..I" She didn't know what to say. She just snuggled into me and I frowned, "Seraphine." She looked up at me, "We aren't together, you know that right?" She frowned, "..are you single?" I nodded, "But that doesn't mean you can sleep with me." Despite how hot she was, it wasn't right. She wasn't in her right mind right now. I blinked, I felt her breathing. She was passed out. "..For fucks sake, Seraphine." She hummed in her sleep, "..alex.." I sighed, draping my arm over her, "I better not regret this."

"You won't, trust me." I froze. Seraphine was shivering as the person sat in a chair. He had a tuxedo on and he had high end spectacles on his face. His facial hair was groomed and his hair was trimmed fresh. "Who are you?" He shrugged, "I could be your friend or I could be foe, Alexander Stryker. You see, I'll be your friend if you give me Seraphine. If you don't. I'll be your foe." I exhaled, Seraphine was ice-cold and she didn't have any intention to warm up until this asshole was gone. "So I'm going to take a wild guess and say you're a Rebellion leader." He nodded, "..Spectacular! I'm another Head that took great pleasure in breaking and retraining Seraphine. Not everyone gets such a chance to break a royal." I blinked. Seraphine was royal? But she had no family name. But if she was a royal. I had to protect her. That was my duty. "Alex, if you ever find a girl that likes you, and you like her back. Protect her at all costs, especially if she's in danger. But protect her heart the most." I sighed, "Damn you grandpa..all your fucking moral lessons." I gently lifted Seraphine up and shifted her onto my back. "I'm sorry, but I can't let you take Seraphine. Especially if she's a royal, she deserves to be with the Destroyers. She's already broken free once, why keep coming after her?" He shrugged, clapping his hands, "Because she's an invaluable asset. She's also not in touch with her royal blood anyways, they left her to die." I sighed, "But we won't let her." I clicked my tongue and he smirked, "..Impressive. I didn't think you academy students would be so proactive." Sierra and Konstantin appeared out of rifts with Trotsky and the two head Principals stepping out behind him. He sighed, "..I didn't want to have to use my commands on the poor girl, but having you all here. I guess it's time to show you the real reason Seraphine is our star." Sera dug her nails into my shoulder, "Get..me..o-out of here!" I slid and tore open a forceful rift, dissipating to the Academy's security bunker. There was no one here, but the barriers were activated. She relaxed, "..I don't like how I'm constantly being found." The old man slammed into the barrier. "..You won't be safe." I blinked, "You're being tracked, S-" She was shaking. "..I-I need you to knock me out! That man..h-he's too strong for even the Academy Principals." The barrier cracked, "..Who have you gotten into with!?" She stared at me, "..It's..It's the Rebellion.." Her eyes flickered, "Head!" She called to the old man, "If I go with you now, will you let this one live?" The old man narrowed his eyes, "..When have you ever been so merciful to Destroyers, Seraphine?" Sera smiled at me, "..Sorry, Alex. I really liked sleeping with you on the couch." She kissed my cheek gently and I felt it. She didn't want to leave. Then don't let her. Huh? Someone appeared through the barrier. Her blonde hair..it was a signature of the Valliere family, but..she was different. She was older, wiser, and yet looked our age. She tapped Sera's nose, "You're so cute when you try to sacrifice yourself for a man." Sera blinked and relaxed. She then looked to me, "I knew your grandpa, guy was badass. But..he dissipated with time just like the rest." She turned around to look at the Head. "..Look you old fuck. Seraphine no longer belongs to the Rebellion. Your conditioning has failed time and time again. Give it a rest or I'll kill you where you stand." The Head shattered the barrier and Sera stiffened. "..Aah.." She hugged me tight, "..P-Please..y-you have to let me go." The Valliere looked back at me, "Sorry, Stryker." She bolted forward and the Head winced as their auras crashed together and I slid backwards. The Head threw her aside, "..The Vallieres are a family of a bygone era." He exhaled, staring at me.

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