4 - Seraphine

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I rifted freely back to Alexander's place. "..Why do you like a Stryker so much?" I groaned, "Why do you talk so much? I may be your vessel but you know I can kick you out at any time." She grinned, "I'll change your opinion of him into prey, Seraphine, watch your tone." I turned and we were in the mental plane. She was staring at me, her pink eyes glowing and her blonde locks glistening. "You won't." She got up, "What will stop me? You lost the fight, so you lose your decisions." I walked forward, my fist cracking her across my mind, "..But this is my mind. My rules." I slammed a cage down on her, "So fuck you." I locked it and turned away.

She growled, "You won't be able to bring about justice with the small amount of power you have now, Seraphine. Locking me away will only hurt you." I looked back at her, "That's what training is for. I'm only a first year after all." I flashed back to the physical plane, knocking on the door. "Yo." Alex's mom answered the door, "Sera!? What happened!?" I tilted my head, "What? My hair?" She nodded, "Your scarlet hair was beautiful." I sighed, "Yeah..I liked it too." We went inside and I felt Pheles tinkering inside her cage. "Why don't you release your succubus form, Seraphine? You could have a taste of her..and she'd never let go." I stopped in my tracks, "No. I won't be manipulative like you."

She grinned, her lust curling around me, "How can you keep saying you won't be like me when you're my descendant and you have me inside of your mind!?" Her succubus form started to crack the cage. "You're royalty, Seraphine. Not just from Spring, but me as well. You aren't 'The Girl without a name' anymore. You have a name attached to your first name. Use it." I sighed, my eyes flickering. "I've always been Seraphine. Not Seraphine Rose or Valliere or Sei. Just Seraphine." I walked towards her, "I can't just turn my back and become someone I'm not. Sure, I'll use my succubus power when I start training when I'm taught control. But I'm only a first year. I can't push it." She laughed, "You're restraining yourself due to inexperience? Responsible, but unlike anyone in our family." I nodded. "I have the mind of Great Grandma Spring while she had the knowledge of the Omniverse..instead of her recklessness. But I have the power of you all." I turned and was in the arms of Alex. "You silly goose." I grinned, feeling his warmth and hugging him back. I saw Sierra and Kon standing in the hallway. Trotsky was behind even them. "..You all came?" They all nodded, "Of course! We heard you got into a fight and sent into critical condition. So when the call came back that you somehow had fully recovered. We had to see it for ourselves." I laughed, "That's because my great grandmother helped me." I exhaled, projecting my aura behind me. She swirled in it, "What's up!" Trotsky stared, "..Pheles Valliere..!?" I nodded, "She's part of me now I guess." Trotsky laughed, "..Only you would be so carefree having a Valliere inside of you." I nodded, "She's family, and I don't abandon the family I have so far."

"Too bad the Destroyers see it differently." Grandma leaned against the doorway. "They'll come after you, Sera." I nodded, "..mhm! And those that do are the ones I will kill. I'll make a list." I smiled wide and she sighed, "Is that your version of justice, Seraphine? To kill all that comes after you? Why not convince them to join you?" I blinked, "Because they're too simple-minded to join me after being ordered. Too ignorant to see the truth." Alex looked at me, "Is that you speaking or is that the Valliere speaking?" I blinked. I exhaled, "Don't know." I took one step and I froze as a rift opened and I was sucked in, "W-" I slammed into the asteroid, groaning. Mom was standing there with Dad. I groaned, "..i.." She lifted me up by the scruff of my shirt, "Get Pheles Valliere out of you." I growled, "..And let her possess someone else and go on a rampage? H-How stupid are you mom!? I-I may be a teenager but I do know when things are RIGHT!" I pulled away as Dad sighed. "She's right you know, Hikari. If we force Pheles out of her. She'll possess somebody else and go on a rampage. There's no protection against lust except for mental barriers. And the average Destroyer has very little of it." I groaned as Pheles was laughing my head. "C'mon Sera. Let me out. I'll teach them a lesson." Hikari pointed at me, "Expel." I froze as pain slammed into my vision. "..Gch..!"

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