13 - Seraphine

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I woke up, "MOM!" There was no one around and I was on the ground. "..Ow.." I stood up, seeing my reflection in the air. I wasn't a child. "..Huh?"

"..So you've finally come."

I turned and there I sat. The dark version of me. The one..that fell to Kallen. She leapt up from the rock she sat on, "..Do you know why you became me?"

"Because I didn't have enough power so it consumed me."

My blades appeared, dark as well, "Mhm! You got consumed by your own aura and us."

"So, will you fall again?"

"Is that a problem?"

"Depends. If you fall repeatedly, the effort of redeeming yourself with your pure of heart gets harder and harder every time. You, unlike me have a pure heart of light, you want peace and you want to help people. I want to destroy and guide this Omniverse into destroying the Destroyer Order."


"Because my heart is a pure heart of darkness. Each time you fall, the deeper the darkness gets in here." She tapped her temple. She drew her blades, "So let's settle this then."

I sighed, "..Always resolved with fighting, huh?"

"Your body and mind are in eternal conflict right now. Our mind and our body are in eternal conflict. The only way to peace is to defeat the other half." I sighed, drawing my own blades. "Fine then."

We clashed and she grinned, "..You're weaker than before." I smirked, "Yeah? I didn't expect you to be this weak either!" I headbutted her into the wall and threw her blades to the side. "..There's no point in us fighting. We're one in the same."

"That's not true."

"Yes it is."

I headbutted her again, drawing blood. "..Light and Darkness, they can't destroy each other, idiot. You should know that."

"..yes..they can. It just means..that one is more power..FUL!" She tried to headbutt me but I caught her face, slamming her into the stream of water. "..No. Without one or the other, chaos shows up!" She grinned, "..So what are you suggesting!?" She slashed me into my stomach and I groaned, sliding backwards. Blood dripped onto the ground. "..That we stop FIGHTING YOU IDIOT WHAT DO YOU THINK!?" I slammed my hilt on her head and I saw her eyes blank and she fell backwards. I groaned, falling to my knees, "..Don't think it's going to be that easy to solidify yourself." Kallen.

She lifted me by my neck, "..You're still my servant, my slave. My lover." She neared my lips and they quivered. "..N-..NO!" I smacked her away from me. "..I am..Seraphine Rose. Daughter of Sylvana Rose, descendant of the Spring Rose and PHELES VALLIERE!" My voice boomed and she trembled but smirked, "..Big talk for someone who doesn't even know what that means." I snarled, "..Sorry that..I don't have what they did. Endless fucking power.." I headbutted her backwards, "..I can't just fight everything and anyone!"

She grinned, "You could if you joined me!" I stared, "And give up Alex!? Give up my family!?" I bolted forward but my Dark self kicked me backwards, "..Don't worry Kallen. I got this." She bolted forward and I exhaled. I focused, feeling my eyes glint. I took a step forward, stepping through her and she stared, "What..!?"

Kallen smiled, "So..you're walking the path of balance, huh?" I smiled, "I have to. It's my job."

"..My family has always been walking the path of the Lone Rose..so I guess I'm that one this time around, but this time to bring balance between light and darkness. Between the deities."

"You won't ever accomplish peace. Just like your grandparents didnt, just like your Mom still hasn't and she's alive."

"..If they didn't accomplish it, then it's definitely up to me! Besides..unlike them I've got something they never did."

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