12 - Sylvana

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I smiled at them, checking on Sera. She had been corrupted but her head was tucked against Alex's chest, a smile on her face. Alex's arm had been draped across her, keeping her snug. "..Even when you're on opposite sides your love still stands." I stood up staring Kallen down, realizing Syn wasn't a threat. She had been corrupted..but not as much as Sera. Kallen opened a rift, "..Keep them. You won't be able to uncorrupt Sera, it'll only become stronger until she kills you all." She left and I saw Syn's hesitation, but she followed anyways.

"..Sera!" I turned to her as she groaned. Dark Aura had been subdued by Destruction and Reality. Sera hugged me, "..Grandma..?" Her eyes flickered, "..I-I fell..I'm..dark.." Her eyes dimmed and she cried into my chest and I just hugged her back, comforting her, "It's alright, you didn't kill Alex and Aura's subdued so she can't feed into your darkness. It's alright..."

She kept crying and I knew she hated this. I hated it. Seeing my granddaughter in tears..her boyfriend unconscious and her sister was with the wrong person. Kallen..wasn't some best friend anymore, she had changed. I looked to Destruction, she and I both felt it. Darkness was coming, and it was getting stronger now that Aura had turned dark with Sera. "Reality."


"Is there a way to purify her?"

"Not by my means. I could rewrite the Reality, but to truly change her nature is probably Fate or Creation's department. Fate can rewrite what happened to her, but Creation could just create light for her..but even then. Darkness can just come back. It has a will of it's own, outside of most bounds of manipulation." I looked down and Sera was fast asleep. I wiped the tears from her cheeks and picked her up gently. Hikari lifted Alex. "..Today was a bad day for us, and we thought we had her cornered."

The funniest thing was..I still had an attraction towards Alex, but..I didn't know how to approach him and Pheles had disappeared.

I set Sera down on my bed at my place and she snuggled deep into the blankets. I laid next to her and she snuggled up into me. "Grandma..am..i gonna be okay..?"

"Yes, you will."

She smiled, her eyes flickering and she gripped my wrist tightly, but released it. So she had some control over it, huh? Marcella knocked, opening the door quietly. I looked down at Sera and she was sprawled in my lap, out. I sat up to Marcella, "There's only one recorded corrupted since The Omniversal War. That person is currently locked in our supermax prison on our moon. They have never been cured."

"..Do you want to go see her with Sera?" I pulled my fingers through Sera's hair, "It's the only way to figure out how to help her." I lifted Sera up, "Where's Hikari?"

"She's keeping guard on Alex, Kon and Sierra. She said it was more important to keep them safe, as Kallen has already had influence on them."

We took one step and we were at the supermax prison. Sera purred in her sleep and I just laughed.

The guards looked at us, recognizing who we were but followed procedure. We were ID'd and Marcella informed them that Seraphine was with us, but all supervision procedures were to be followed.

They nodded and the warden of the supermax came out, "..Warden! We're here to see the Dark Prisoner." He nodded, "Of course." He led us down a passage that warped itself into a rift. We stepped through it and there they were. The Dark Prisoner. Twisted into a monstrosity of a being. They growled, "..What is it that brings the mighty Sylvana Rose and Marcella here, hmm?"

"My granddaughter." I gestured towards Sera in my arms and it smirked. "..I see! So she's been touched by Darkness as well! Interesting..what do you want me to do?"

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