Under the Rain

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She's now back in Thailand. She has no job, no money, she used all the money they saved up for the wedding. She has no starting point. 

The joy she once have washed right away with no warning.

For one last time she told herself, she'll try again. 

She went to Kirk's parents, hoping he'd be there. 

Freen ringing the door bell, waiting outside the gate.

Kirk's Mom: Freen, my child. 

F: Mother,(tears flowing in her eyes).I need to see him.

Kirk's Mom: I say sorry for what happened but we also dont know where he is.

F: How can u not know, he's your son, it's impossible.... Mother, please...I'm begging you...(Freen kneeled on her knees, crying)

Kirk's Mom: Freen stop, lets stop it here. There's nothing you can do. Move on  with your life, what part can't you understand?

F: Move on? How? He dumped me..3 days.... 3 days! before our wedding!! Saying to never look for him? and you expect me to move on? It's been a month and here I am.. (tears burst out of her gloomed eyes) 

Rain started to pour, erasing the tears flowing down her face. She walked away as she couldn't hold it anymore. She kept walking....under the rain.

She felt as if she carries the weight of the world on her shoulders. How can love be this cruel?

Everyday passing by she kept asking herself what she did wrong. She had thought of all the what ifs and no matter how many times she tried to convince herself that its not her fault. She cant even say it is or it isn't. She was left with no explanations.

She was lost, trying to navigate the sea with no direction. All the people around her keep telling her to move on and start a new life, but how can she? How can u start a new chapter in your life if the last one never had a proper ending? How can someone possibly move on without even knowing the reason why you should?

              ****Imagine hurting our dearest Freen****

                      Thank you for reading :)

Closer You and I [FreenBecky]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin