Sweet Lies And Bitter Truths

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Reality, the bitter truth. Dreams, the sweet lie. The Akademiya's Scribe prided himself of being a dreamless man. He strode for truth, no matter how bitter.

The truth this time was difficult to swallow. Reality burnt his tongue and dried his lungs. It was due time for him to have a sweet dream anyways.

Warning ⚠️:
Grief, Character Dearh


The voice of pure bliss was the cause of Alhaitham's abrupt awakening. His eyes fluttered open, a familiar pair of ruby-colored eyes and messy golden hair flooded his halved vision. Bed covers ruffled and a finger poked his arm, nails digging into his skin. The Scribe momentarily gave a lazy eye and slightly raised brows at the blond beside him. Puffed cheeks and an overdramatic glare  graced his mind.

"Finally. Lift your arms would you? I am suffocating," said Kaveh, who proceeded to try and nudge Alhaitham's arm to the side which soon proved to be futile. Early mornings was the curse of all who dared to endure slumber, and Kaveh was one to be negligent of his sleep. Alhaitham saw the black under the blond's tired eyes and how his exhausted hands struggled to even remove the blanket covering the both of them. His gaze grew soft; a light chuckle or two breezed through the Scribe's lips.

"If you had not stayed up all night for your project, you would still have your 'awakening from slumber' privileges." The words sprang from the Scribe's mouth without much thought, as though his mouth had gained sentience. What project? Which night? His mind did not come up with a suitable answer. It was empty, devoid of reason. An clean slate. To dwell on it further was an intriguing thought, but it was perhaps Alhaitham had simply forgotten about last night. That was a rare occurrence for a person who held the title of 'Scribe'. He dismissed the it, preferring the answer of simplicity.

"I couldn't just not do it. My client insisted that I complete it by next week! Next week!" hissed the architect, exasperation coated his every word. Alhaitham shook his head.

"It is ultimately your fault for accepting the commission, knowing full well about the time limit." A week's time to design a complex house was not the ideal situation to be in. It certainly was not made in Kaveh's favor, yet he accepted it anyways. That was something the ever-rational Alhaitham would never understand completely.

"I didn't see anyone else helping the poor guy. Might as well step in!"

Alhaitham clicked his tongue and moved his arm near enough to the blond's forehead, and flicked it. "You and your irrational brain." Kaveh's scowl was deep enough to frighten a rishboland tiger out of its own territory despite them being territorial. A clear showing of displeasure.

"Hey! Who are you calling irrational?! Tsk, people don't call you ignorant for nothing."

"Am I ignorant towards you?"

The architect huffed, rolling his eyes. An unexpected weak kick at Alhaitham's knee made the man feel amused at the trouble his lover was causing him. Kaveh now had a prideful grin dancing on his face. "Please lift your arm up," requested the architect, pinching the skin of his lover. The Scribe pulled Kaveh closer to his chest, tightening his hold, blatantly ignoring the plea. The blond's head was tilted upward and moved underneath his chin. Warm breaths caressed Alhaitham's bare neck.

"I'll take that as a 'no'."

"You bastard!"

"Sleep for a bit longer. I will make breakfast. Coffee? On second thought, I think you've already drained my whole supply of coffee beans."

"Why is it always so hard to argue with you?" mumbled the blond as he lowered head and pressed against the tight black shirt Alhaitham wore. A faint blush crept up to Alhaitham's cheek.

[Alhaitham x Kaveh: One Shots(?)] Through The Torn Pages And Crumbled BuildingsWhere stories live. Discover now