Love And Promise Bound By Eclipse

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Love And Promise Bound By Eclipse

During each eclipse, the sun meets the moon. Though opposites, they love the other. They will continue to do so till their lights fade for what will the moon do after the sun's light dims? They are half of the other. It is both a truth and a promise.

Aka, this is just Kaveh and Alhaitham meeting together during an eclipse.

Warning ⚠️:
Alternate Universe - Gods


The mortal realm was lively. Humans passed his being without a second glance. They do not notice the golden-haired man with ruby eyes draped in white cloth. He was invisible to their eyes, invisible to he world around him. He was, after all, a being that did not originate from their kind.

The blond man stood in the middle of the bustling streets. Contemplation plastered his unmoving face. No air was puffed from his nose, nor did he blink. He had no need to breathe. He had no need to blink. The man was still in the ever moving world. A flick of silver-gray was what it took for him to stir.

"Tsk. Late again. Millennia pass yet there is still no change, Alhaitham," said the man to the other, crossing his arms. Irritation ran through his tongue. If only he had come earlier, they would have had time to spare for a walk or two. He lifted his head high, staring at the eclipse above them, like the sun that hovered over the world on which they graced in their human form. "We have but a mere hour before the it ends."

The gray-haired man, who leaned against a mossy stone wall that towered over his tall figure, simply creaked open a turquoise eye and shrugged at his partner. "Millennia pass yet you still stay the same- a constant annoyance, but it is a pleasant one, Kaveh," Alhaitham retorted with a swift click of his tongue. The urge to slap the blond's lover had never been so strong.

"Why you-!"

"Though older than me by seventy-three million years, you act like what mortals call, a child."

Kaveh scoffed at the accusation. He was not a child, in any case, he should be considered a matured god. "I wouldn't have spent a billion years convincing you to speak to me if I knew you were this insolent." But it was the Moon's insolence that intrigued him to approach Alhaitham while the other gods scampered away, avoidant of his strange demeanor. It was insolence that pulled them together, though opposites of the other.

"If you hadn't, would you be in my arms on every eclipse?" Soft were his words when he spoke. Soft were his lips when they formed an amused smile. A warmth found its way to Kaveh's face. Alhaitham's bold claim rendered him a flustered man. Alhaitham was cold-hearted, stoic, and unfeeling of the life around him. That was once the truth in the Sun God's eyes. And he was warm, ecstatic, and full of boundless care. They differed like reflections on a mirror. Yet, they found solace in the other's arms in the end.

Kaveh strode towards the taller man, cheeks puffed as though an angry kid. "Imagine if the god of this region heard you say that. Such embarrassment I would face!" said the blond, stabbing a finger into his lover's muscular chest. Alhaitham twitched from the nails that dug through his skin.

"I get on quite well with the God of Wisdom. I am sure she would not spread the Sun's private information. Her plants would be endangered by your petty rage."

"Argh, forget it! You've already wasted enough of our time here."

"And where would the God of The Sun like to visit? Aren't you pampered enough by my affection?" said the man. Alhaitham flicked his fingers at the blond's forehead, tempting the god's already thinning self restraint. To see himself being belittled by a god with little care for those above him or below him was truly irritating. Kaveh tore the coat that hung loosely on the Moon God's shoulder and wrapped it around his slim figure. It was getting rather cold and Alhaitham did not seem to mind. He never once did. Another difference between them.

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