Silence From The Light Of The Kshahrewar.

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Wishing for someone to be silent for once. Is it really something worth wishing for?

⚠️ Warning:
Descriptions of gore and death. Proceed with caution.


Alhaitham sat on a chair, unmoving and stoic as he watched a turquoise feather be placed onto his palm. The traveler's words of comfort mixed with Cyno's escaped his ears. He could only think of the object given to him. Their hands continued to tremble when they quieted down with the General Mahamatra.

How did it end like this? How did they let a fight escalate into something worse even though they've fought millions of times in the past? This could've been avoided if Kaveh just listened to him. It was probably both of their faults. They've never tried to put in the effort to listen to each other. They always wanted the other to be silent.


"Why are you so damn inconsiderate?! You could've helped them, not downright exile them! The poor group was trying to survive. It didn't matter if they were eremites! 'Acting Grand Sage' my ass! Aren't you supposed to improve Sumeru-"

Alhaitham wanted to deny, wanted to tell Kaveh that the eremites were pretending, wanted him to listen for once. But he knew Kaveh wouldn't hear his reasonings, wouldn't believe that the eremites were planning on killing the blond. So, he resorted to shouting with whatever reply his mind made up at him instead.

"Could you just shut it?! If you really care so much, then why continue living with me? Go out and take your shit with you. I don't want your annoying little rants disturbing my work. Go ahead and leave. I won't stop you."

Kaveh groaned, stomping his feet like a toddler denied of sweets. "FINE!" The front door swung open and the enraged architect stormed out, forgetting to take the keys with him.

"He'll come back sooner or later," Alhaitham mused.

When it reached midnight, Alhaitham wasn't worried. It wasn't unnatural for Kaveh to be this late. He was probably out at Lambad's Tavern drinking and paying with Alhaitham's own money again.

When it reached morning, Kaveh still wasn't home. Maybe he passed out at the tavern, the Scribe told himself. He'll check later.

Kaveh wasn't at the tavern, nor did he come back to his room and whine about his day. Alhaitham could feel a tug in his heart. The second day passed.

The third day passed with no sign of his roommate. Did he take Alhaitham's words to heart and actually left him without a single trace? This time, for good? No, Kaveh couldn't- wouldn't do that. His possessions were still inside his eerily quiet bedroom. His lover was still here, waiting for him. The Scribe's heart hammered against his chest. It hurt.

The forth day came. Alhaitham had reported a missing person case to the General Mahamatra. Hopefully he would help.

The fifth day rose with a knock on the door. The gray haired man strode to it, unlocking it with his set of keys. In his mind ran thousands of thoughts. Was Kaveh on the opposite side of the door, waiting for entry? Had Cyno found him and brought him back?

His worries did not cease. Behind the door was the General Mahamatra who carried a solemn expression. Where was Kaveh? Where had he gone? Was he still- Alhaitham wished not to have thought of that. Cyno's hands held a familiar turquoise feather. His feet shifted side to side. Reluctancy.

"Alhaitham. I might know where Kaveh is," spoke the General Mahamatra with the pace of a turtle. He was cautious when stepping onto the flaming territory of the Scribe. "A group of eremites is holding him hostage, according to this letter addressed to you I found with this feather. They were both hidden in the bushes near Lambad's Tavern."

[Alhaitham x Kaveh: One Shots(?)] Through The Torn Pages And Crumbled BuildingsWhere stories live. Discover now