Architect's Regret.

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Kaveh has many regrets. Sometimes they lead him to bankruptcy. Sometimes they lead him to fights.

Sometimes they lead him to death.

Warning ⚠️:
Descriptions Of Gore/Blood, Attempted Murder.


Through the open windows that spewed dusk's light, Kaveh tapped his fingers repeatedly on the wooden table in front of him, nails hit its surface with a soft 'thunk'. His gaze was set on the clock as it ticked away the final seconds before arriving at the bold number of seven. Kaveh sighed at the passing time. His shoulders slumped along. The architect clicked his tongue and guided his sight towards the open blueprint on the table. It was for the commission from an interested client a week ago.

The man had requested that Kaveh design a medium-sized house with intricate carvings of flora on the outer walls and stained glass. Truth be told, the architect thought it was a regrettable decision to add stained glass. Not only was it costly, it would look horribly unfitting. But who was he to decline a client's wishes just because it didn't fit his taste? The pay was tempting as well. Five hundred thousand Mora. And so, he accepted said commission without a word of hesitation.

Kaveh pushed the chair backwards and stood up, stretching his arms and yawning as small beads of glistening tears formed in his tired ruby eyes. He winched slightly from hearing the cracking of his spine from the many nights stuck on the chair he had; redesigning over and over again until his hands shook from soreness and his fingers blistered to meet the client's vision of the house. If it weren't for Alhaitham's daily pestering, the architect would be a skeleton with a major back and hand problem. Maybe he should thank his husband for that. He rolled up the blueprint and pinned it under his arm. The blond had to meet up with the man in an hour.

The familiar scent of mint was whiffed up by Kaveh as he headed to the living room. He turned to look at the muscular figure of Alhaitham seated on their couch, reading a thick book Kaveh swore nobody had sufficient enough energy required to finish. The blond placed the blueprint on the wide table in the middle and made his way to the Scribe's side. He had an extra thirty minutes to spare anyways. The way how Alhaitham's teal eyes traced the book with his brows furrowed and the lack of snarky comments told him that he was concentrating on the text like the Scribe he was.

"Have you even slept? You've been reading the same book for two full days now," the architect mumbled, placing his head on his husband's lap.

His long hair was spilling to each crevice, covering most of Alhaitham's sight of his crossed legs in the field of gold. A guaranteed annoyance to the Scribe. The unimpressed teal gaze that averted from his books onto Kaveh's face and the pursed lips only proved the architect's point.

"Unlike a certain architect, I've slept plentiful and don't down a cup of caffeine every hour. I also don't sleep in our bed at three in the morning. You've woken me up at least five times this week. You should really consider changing your habits-"

"Alright, alright! It's only for this week! You know I have a client!" Kaveh retorted, his hand reaching for the longer strands of Alhaitham's hair and tugged on them. The Scribe smacked his arm away.

"You're risking your health and safety for a blueprint."

The architect huffed. He pinched his lover's chest, resulting in an irritated hiss and a hit on his wrist. "I'm not going to-"

"Stop doing that, you parasite- You nearly did. Twice." Alhaitham lowered down his book, closing it with a thud before bending over and slotting it into the small shelf under the living room table. "Where would you be going to meet him?"

[Alhaitham x Kaveh: One Shots(?)] Through The Torn Pages And Crumbled BuildingsWhere stories live. Discover now