Shatter The Heart Of Ice.

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With Sumeru witnessing a sharp increase of rain in recent times, the days have gotten colder.

It was also the reason why the Light Of The Kshahrewar caught a cold. So, the ice-hearted Scribe smothers his lover with warmth.

But Alhaitham doesn't understand why his heart felt so cold.

Warning ⚠️:
Implied/Referenced Character Death. Proceed with caution.


"Alhaitham! Stop messing up my hair!" Kaveh screeched, his legs kicking the creased bed covers. Alhaitham chuckled at the pitiful hunched figure of his sick lover. His fingers were atop the blond's head, intertwined with the soft strands of hair. They weaved through the field of gold, dancing in its presence. It was a sight solely reserved for him. Alhaitham relished in that thought.

The Scribe unclipped the red clips that rested on the middle, and placed them by the bedside table. "They have been tangled since the moment you awoke from your slumber," he said through amused lips.

Alhaitham's hands reached for the coat hanging from his shoulder, lifting it up to be placed on the architect. Contempt hums were given as the sign of acceptance by Kaveh. He watched as the blond smoothed the rough creases with delicate touches and fitted himself into the inviting embrace of the cloth. Alhaitham could not help but feel a pint of jealousy over the inanimate object. He would not admit it to Kaveh, of course. Possessiveness was a stain that led to unhealthy relationships. The Haravatat graduate followed such advice to heart.

Alhaitham heard a sneeze, followed by a light scoff. His mind wavered back to Kaveh who gave him an irritated stare and a childish pout. The Scribe could've sworn his own lips parted into a small flimsy smile. "You're making it look worse then!"

"You already look horrid. Your face is pale and you're shivering."

"How dare you treat sick people with such disrespect!" A cough rang out from Kaveh's throat. Alhaitham stretched out a hand and moved the coat's position, wrapping it securely around his lover's shoulders. He intertwined the architect's fingers with his, using his thumb to gently stroke Kaveh's relaxed hand. It was a small gesture of comfort in the Scribe's mind. A sense of safety and care.

"And whose fault was it to head out of our house in the middle of yesterday's heavy downpour?" said the Scribe, snarking back at the bold accusation. His words certainly struck a chord in Kaveh as the man formed an expression of clear distress and potential denial. Alhaitham almost felt bad.

"I- it was urgent, Haitham!"

"Urgent enough to risk your health?" The Scribe clicked his tongue several times after, making a recognizable 'tsk'. He had warned the blond days ago that heading out during Sumeru's storm was a horrible idea. Being the ever persistent person he was, Kaveh assured him that it would be only a quick trip to Port Ormos to hand in a client's blueprints. To none of Alhaitham's surprise, his lover had forgotten to bring his umbrella and was soaked in water when he had returned. It soon led to the sickness that came a day after.

"Don't pretend that you don't do-" another sneeze, "-the same!"

"I have you to take care of me."

"Hmph!" Kaveh kicked at the bed sheets. His arms were hidden by the coat that surrounded him but the Scribe could tell that the blond had crossed his arms.

"Like a whining toddler," Alhaitham thought. He smirked at the scene that unwrapped before him. Kaveh's antics brought unsuspecting fondness from his many-proclaimed 'ice-cold heart'. It was relieving to see his lover being himself despite all the negativity that surrounded him by day. It was relieving to see he hadn't changed since their Akademiya years. "Stay put. I'll bring the proper medication."

"Fine. I wasn't planning to move anyways," muttered Kaveh as Alhaitham saw him snuggle comfortably into his coat. He couldn't help but smile.

Alhaitham moved off their shared bed and exited the room, closing the door behind him with a click. He walked through the empty space of their house. It strangely lacked any belongings of Kaveh. He ignored the itch to investigate further into the matter. He continued to head towards the cupboard that hovered just above the kitchen counter. The Scribe sorted through the various bottles before finding a small orange container placed at the back.

Alhaitham turned his back, proceeding to head back to the bedroom. This time, only did he notice that there were more photos of him and Kaveh in golden frames planted around the house. They were on the tables, the counters, and the walls. Alhaitham doesn't remember how they got there. He laid his eyes on one particular photo that sat on a table. It was a photo of Kaveh in a bed with unrecognizable lines attached to his arm, and his hands being tightly held by the Scribe's. He does not know why. His heart tugged at the photo, desperate for warmth from the other's presence. Like ice to flame. He does not know why.

Alhaitham couldn't provide an answer so he moved on to the next. He opened the wooden door to their room. There was no Kaveh but the turquoise feather he always wore laid bare in his place. His coat was surrounded the feather with its worn and crumbled appearance. Alhaitham furrowed his brows and strode forward, placing the medicine on the bedside table which he noticed had no red hair clippers. He paced around the room, a hand held up his chin. The Scribe stopped when his eyes shifted to a piece of torn paper stuck underneath the lamp of the clean table in their room.

The Scribe lifted the lamp up and grabbed the paper in his other hand. Puzzle pieces shifted in his mind. The full picture was now in place. He took a glance at feather once more. His heart couldn't bear the cracks the feather made. Alhaitham felt his hands grow limp and unsteady, trembling from the cold silence. He grabbed the orange container.

"Ah, right. It's been a year," he spoke. Of course, no one replied. He was alone. All alone in the frigid embrace of ice. He unscrew the container's lid and reached his fingers in to take out the small white pills. Alhaitham swallowed a few. With that, the ice heart shattered. It does not melt as the flame has already dimmed a year ago.

[Alhaitham x Kaveh: One Shots(?)] Through The Torn Pages And Crumbled BuildingsWhere stories live. Discover now