18. Mathematics

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{Video: 50 Shades of Ereri by jilbird}

A few days later, on Monday, I had my new classes. And one of them was with Professor Bott. I pushed a headache to the least of my worries as I entered his classroom, Mathematics.

Sleeping was never easy for me in a new place, and after another scene with Levi, I had tossed and turned all weekend (I would never admit it to the trio at the bar, but I also did more boyish things when I had the thought of him).

As an effect, I woke up late and hadn't had enough time to eat breakfast. I was only two classes into my day and I was ready to fall asleep, not to mention all the studying I would have to do.

All in all, Mondays sucked ass.

"Mr. Yëager!" A cheery voice called. My blood chilled to an icy sludge. Marco waved joyously, jogging over to me. "Can I speak with you privately a minute?"

My eyes widened. His cheeks were flushed, despite the cool temperatures of the room. Someone was kneeling on the floor, right before the professor's waist- Jean. Jean Kirstein. He was- He was-

"Eren?" Marco rubbed his neck.

I shook my head feverishly and forced a small smile. "Uh, okay." He led me to a corner furthest away from the bubbling class. Marco grinned, dimples fading into his freckles. I was amazed at how young the professor was. He couldn't have been more than a handful of years older than me.

"I wanted to let you know how sorry I am about that inappropriate timing at Miss Ymir's party. " Marco spoke formally, however, so it confused everyone about his exact age. I flushed as he continued.

"Especially my invitation. Alas, you should know that Jean and I are in a relationship, and I would like to ask you to keep quiet that scene and this information. Bet?" Marco loosened his grammar for a second and ran a hand through his hair.

"Bet," I squeaked after a moment.

He relaxed and patted my shoulder. "Good. Now take a seat, class had begun."

I took a look at the open seats and choked down a smile. My feet stumbled up the steps. I snagged a chair beside the raven himself and set my books down on the table. "Yo."

Levi hummed back, twirling a pen absentmindedly. Then the pen stopped. He set it down and glanced at me. "How'd you get here?"

"Uh, bus. Also, it's within biking distance."

The male scoffed. "Tch. Cheap shit. Buses are filthy." I frowned and looked back to the front. Levi took up pen twirling again.

A head in the row directly in front of me turned and smirked. I coughed in surprise. To my reaction, Jean winked. "Liked what you saw?"

"Shut it, horseface," Levi snapped before I could respond.

Jean lifted his hands in defense, chuckling. "Joking. I saw Freckled Jesus chatting with you, Eren. And yeah, that was... unexpected."

"Freckled Jesus?" I muttered, but Marco loudly cleared his throat as Jean opened his mouth to enlighten.

Instantly, my hand whisked out a pencil and notebook paper. I sketched a person waving at some distant object. A tree curled in from the edge. Lead shaded each to a gray, leaving no room for distinct features.

A hard object hit me square in the back of the head. I flinched and whirled around. A few rows up, Connie squinted and made rude gestures. Beside him, Sasha flicked him on the forehead and waved her arms apologetically. Connie pouted and smiled sheepishly at me.

My brows furrowed and I righted myself. The sketch was beginning to darken from pencil ash. I flipped to the eraser to swipe at the paper. Levi leaned over and murmured in my ear, "That's decent. IPS would like it."

I stiffened.

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