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It had been a total of 3 weeks since she was with the Kim family. Life was peaceful in these weeks, her daily routine of waking up, going to school, back at home having lunch with her new family and going back to the cozy bed.

Sunday morning

Everyone was settled in the dining room having their breakfast in silence only the sound of cutleries against the plates. Mr Kim slowly put down his fork and knife and looked at his children.

"Kids, me and your mom are going on a business trip at night and it may take a week or two before we come back", Mr Kim said and everyone on the dining table nodded.

"And Y/N dear if you have any problem or any of your brothers is troubling you just make a quick call, I'll whoop their asses", Mrs Kim said while Y/N just laughed and her brothers groaned at the insult by their mom.

"Sure mom", Y/N said while having a soft smile on her face.

Well in these 3 weeks she had gotten a little closer to all her brothers, especially the maknae line, who just matched her energy, whether it be sports or lazing around.

"Well mom, today is Sunday, so can I go meet the Lee family", Y/N asked having hopeful eyes.

"Sure, just take one of your brothers with you I don't want anything to happen to you" Mrs Kim said.

"Ok mom".

12 noon.

Y/N got ready and decided to take Jungkook with her, she knocked on his door and it opened after a while.

"Did I disturbed you oppa?"

"No it's fine do you need anything?" Junkook asked.

" Yeah, i thought i should take you with me to Lee's "

" Oh okay just give me a minute I'll get ready and come with you".He said and closed the door after she left.

Jungkook POV

As soon as I closed the door, i already decided to take a gun with me, because having a big and respected company and being a mafia was just a cheery on top. Anytime anywhere enemies can attack us, and if they by chance knew about Y/N, it would be dangerous.

I sent a quick text on my phone in group chat between me and my brothers.

Jk: I am taking Y/N to Lee's
just need to alert you all.

Jin: Ok, if there is any problem just
the text us backup will be
on the way.

Rm: Take care of Y/N and take
weapons with you, just in case
we have some in the trunk.

Jk: Ok , i will text you later .

I quickly shut my phone down and got ready and came downstairs and saw Y/N sitting on the couch, using her phone.

"Let's go Y/N"

She closed her phone and nodded towards me and following behind me.


They both sat in Jungkook's car and drove towards the Lee, while sitting Y/N just looked at the scenery.

"I know it's already been three weeks, but how are you feeling living with us", Jungkook said trying to start a conversation.

"Oh it's good, but living in this much luxury will take me time to be habitual, but i guess i am pretty good, and having brothers is what i wished".

I Hate My Fate And ThemOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant