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Hell, Lower TierStronghold of The End of Time

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Hell, Lower Tier
Stronghold of The End of Time

Xavier let out a deep breath. He entered Mirage's room. He looked at Mirage who was lifeless on the cold floor. He sneaked closer, kneeling gently to not wake him up. He nudged his shoulders. Mirage flinched. He felt shivers from the cold fingertips. He fluttered his eyes open.

" Are you alright? " Xavier took into consideration that it will be hard for Mirage to let out any information. He restrained himself from entering Mirage's room. He can't stand the broken and despairing look on his face. He eventually took a mental note to comfort him. He'll apologize, even when not forgiven.

Mirage's vision cleared slowly. His eyes widened in shame and humiliation. He crawled back until his back touched the wall. Xavier did not move whatsoever. He just sat there, regretting it.

" Are you okay? " He asked again. Mirage did not move before shaking his head drastically. If he was in great shape he would've made a protection dome so that he could protect himself. For now, he hid beneath his foul-up feathers. He didn't want to see the world. If he does then he's going to get hurt again. He's numb. His tears eventually stopped flowing. Xavier took a deep breath.

" I'm sorry... " He said. Mirage took a second before stretching his wings, letting him see the man who took advantage of him. Is he regretting it? He thought. He wondered why Xavier was apologizing to him when he should be happy to satisfy his thirst.

Mirage stared at him. " W- why- are you apologizing? " He stuttered. He was afraid to be manipulated and played again. Xavier didn't seem like someone who would lie but Mirage stayed neutral.

" Because it is something I should do. " He gulped. " I hurt you, and I will take full accountability for it, for all that I've done. " He looked down. Mirage slowly changed his sitting position with the obstacle of shaking violently. He's on his knees now. He bit his lip, thinking about what he should do.

He looked away. " There's no need, you're a devil and there's no such punishment for the likes of you. I meant you're fire-resistant. " He mumbled.

Xavier perked up. " Your heart is too big. Well then, have you desired to make your own punishment? I'll comply with anything. " Mirage shook his head gently. Xavier sighed. He straightened his posture.

" You're too forgiving, don't you think? "

" It's... my fault for being naive. I- I should've been more careful. I never learn my lesson and now, I'm paying for it. " Mirage exclaimed. Xavier's eyes widened.

" It's not your fault, it's mine. I was-... pressured. No that's not it. " He shook his head, mumbling. Mirage perked up and let out a questioning hum. He leaned closer. Xavier scoffed.

" At first, Asher suggested Liebe do it, but I know you're not fond of him at the moment based on your reaction to his presence. I volunteered to do it because I'm scared he will hurt you and what happened? I broke your trust, which I deeply regret. " He exclaimed sincerely. Mirage's pounding head started to fade.

" That's... a little extreme way to protect someone you care about, don't you think? " Mirage murmured. Xavier silently nodded.

Mirage took a breath. " I forgive you. You're willing to take responsibility for your actions. Unlike some people... "

He perked up. " What do you mean? "

" I appreciate your concern. Thank you so much. It's not the first I've been through this. I have a lot of failed relationships. That's why it's my fault. For believing in their lies... " Mirage choked out.

" I'm sorry, for reviving your trauma. " He gritted his teeth. Why would they do this? Well, it's not like he could be a hypocrite and be mad at them. He just had to listen and be sorry for what he had done.

Mirage continued. " They roughly ' take ' me because I'm fertile. It never worked. They would hit me constantly to the fact that I think it's normal. Liebe was-... a different case. "

Xavier leaned closer. " Did he do the same? " Mirage closed his eyes. " A little bit, but he wasn't like that. He used to treat me kindly. Just like you. "

His voice cracked a bit. " I was so happy. I thought that it could work. He's different. He treated me kindly and love me thoroughly. But when Lucifero's began his influence, he- changed. And then I go through it again... " He sobbed.

Xavier immediately hugged him. He shushed him. Saying he will be okay. He strokes Mirage's hair softly. He made a promise to protect him with his life. He'll die for him and shelter him. Mirage felt weird. The only ones who would give him a warm hug are Asta and Liebe. They hugged for a while. Mirage weirdly enjoyed it.

" Will you be alright? Staying here for a while. " He said stroking his white strands.

" I need a better room. " Mirage struggled a smile. It was a genuine smile. He worked hard to perform that smile.

Xavier shook his head smiling. " Okay. " He chuckled.


Rori, also known as Famine walked to the balcony. He was happy to find Asher standing there looking at the beautiful red tint view.

Rori gasped. " Found you~! " He nudged you. They didn't hide and seek or tag. That's just his habit. He likes to play with everyone. The kind of games he came up with is another story.

Asher smiled softly. " You got me~ " That made Rori happy. He was bouncy and joyful like a child that had gotten his favorite toy. Asher rubbed his head. After a few minutes, Rori got an idea. A question.

" Mimi looks very sick... He is skinny now. ( But I'm skinnier! ) " Asher hummed.

Rori perked up. " Why do you do that? I thought you hate gross people. " He pouted. Asher formed a smile. A weird one. It was a genuinely sad smile. He looked up at the bright beautiful moon. He took a breath.

" I'm scared, is all... "


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