chapter 16

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ticking time bomb
🎶 it's time to go - taylor swift

ticking time bomb🎶 it's time to go - taylor swift

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The morning light peered into the restaurant. Liv and Kie were the first to wake up, Kiara went out to look at the water, to clear her head. Olivia stood over JJ and Aubrie, slightly smiling at her good work when she saw the two sleeping wrapped around each other.

She was happy not only for herself but for JJ. He may not have known it yet, but for the first time in his life, he was experiencing the start of a real relationship. Not just a relationship, a connection. It didn't take someone who knew JJ well to see the peacefulness in his face as he laid with his arm lazily draped across Aubrie's waist, it was simply there. What it did take someone who knew JJ to know, was that he had never known that kind of peace in his life.

It wasn't long before the other three woke up. Soon after than the morning haze turned to hard conversations about what came next. "He's pinched for sure." JJ sighed.

"No." Aubrie shook her head. "I came here so that we could help him."

Pope turned to Aubrie. "They wouldn't be patrolling if they caught him."

"Let's hope." JJ replied.

"You know, we were in that car." Kiara remarked. "Their probably looking for us too."

"I wasn't, but I doubt that my dad hasn't figured out I'm gone by now." Aubrie huffed.

"Well if we're outlaws, we might as well help John B." Pope said, walking away and grabbing his keys.

"So, we find him before they do?" JJ questioned. "Pope?"

"I'm gonna get gas for the boat." He answered.

"Hey, you be careful." Kiara said. "Okay?"

Pope ignored her. "Meet me at the dock at three. Don't be late."

Kiara stormed out, following Pope. "Okay what is your problem?"

"No problem, officer, I'm just doing my job." He replied, hopping onto JJ's bike.

"Pope! Look, I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings." Kiara said, it was no use, he would just rev the bike's engine over everything she said. "Pope I'm trying to talk to you!" He sped away, not sparing Kiara another second.

As Kiara walked back to the porch, a helicopter landed close by. "Who the hell is that?" JJ questioned.


The remaining group began packing for for John B and Sarah, who were planning on running away to avoid John B's arrest. "Are you sure he wasn't just being weird Pope?" JJ asked, in response to Kiara's previous question about his confession.

"I mean it wasn't the kind of thing that needed interpretation." Kiara replied.

"Those kind of things can get complicated, Kie." Aubrie said, earning a side eye from JJ.

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