chapter 6

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coolest chick in the obx
🎶 this is why we can't have nice things - TS

Aubrie was in the pool, next to some of her friends and talking about her summer plans

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Aubrie was in the pool, next to some of her friends and talking about her summer plans. One of the girls looked up and laughed, pointing at the roof. "Is that Sarah?"

She looked up, confirming that, yes, it was in fact Sarah on the roof. "Holy shit it is." She gasped.

"Hi guys!" She waved down at the them.

Everyone around them began chanting 'jump', and Aubrie was intrigued to see if she would do it. She had always known her sister to be daring, but she was never one who was fond of heights. Topper lifted Sarah up, and Aubrie laughed as he shook her.

Suddenly, Topper jumped with Sarah in his arms. She shrieked the whole way down, and eventually came out of the water to meet eyes with a triumphant and smug Topper. "The coolest girl in the obx!" He announced.

"I beg to differ!" Aubrie shouted, earning a middle finger from Sarah.

She had gotten out of the pool and was walking around the party, only to find Rafe at a table full of cocaine. "Rafe- seriously?"

"Shut up Aubrie." He huffed. "Go entertain Kelce why don't you?"

"Why don't you suck my dick?" Aubrie huffed, blowing away the line he was getting ready to do. She's be lying if she said she hadn't done some drugs before, but she was done with Rafe's bullshit. He's been spending all their dad's money on drugs, and it had become a problem. She might have felt guilty about blowing it out if Rafe couldn't afford more, but her dad has yet to cut him off.

"Bitch!" He yelled.

She ignored him, going back outside. Her sister was gone from the party, and she just no longer felt like being there. Unfortunately, Topper was her ride and she couldn't leave without them.

So she decided to take a walk down the beach. She watched the moon over the water and sighed as she sat on the sand. She had this perfect life. She was undeniably rich, there were guys on Figure 8 that would be lining up for her if she wanted them, her town was literally called 'Paradise on Earth', she had everything anyone could ever want. So what was it? What was missing? Why wasn't she satisfied?

She heard soft footsteps in the sand behind her, and she cringed as Kelce sat beside her. "What are you doing out here?" She questioned.

"I followed you out." He answered bluntly. She thought that maybe he was trying to be flirty, but it just came off so weird.

"Creepy." She scoffed.

He placed his hand on her leg, shaking his head with a smile. "You don't mean that."

She picked his hand up and moved it away from her. "I do, and I was enjoying myself a whole lot more before you got here."

Kelce didn't say anything, but he surely wasn't discouraged. He leaned over onto her and tried to kiss her. Upon realizing, she quickly pushed his face away. "Kelce I've told you so many times I am not interested." She scoffed, standing up to walk away.

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