LXIII - Lurking Within Our Dreams

Start from the beginning

"Not if you ordered him not to." I deadpan.

"Even as a commander, Levi doesn't always listen to me. He disobeys a lot more than you think. But when it comes to you, it's guaranteed." He replies, his gaze wandering throughout the room.

"That rogue part of him never left him then, I suppose." I sigh, turning and walking towards the benchpress and sitting down.

"What you grew up being isn't something you can be rid of very easily." Erwin words making me snort. I look up to see his eyes already on me, his legs slowly carrying him to another bench that sat up against the wall.

"I can see your wisdom never left with your blood." I joke making him smile slightly.

"A bit soon, don't you think?" He replied with a short chuckle making me laugh along with him. The room fell still for a moment, though it wasn't uncomfortable. Either it was from my short session with the punching bag, or the atmosphere was genuinely warm. Regardless, the presence of the commander wasn't uneasy at all, more of a familiar feeling.

"I suppose so." I smile at the ground. I felt him looking at me, the aura around him wanting to say something, but a type of resistance fought with him. "You seem tense." I point out. I bring myself to look at him again, his eyes now fixed on the ground between his feet.

"I want to apologise." He started, my gaze on him in a confused manner. I blink, tilting my head as a silent urge to continue. "For wasting a quarter of your life over something as petty as courage. It was wrong of me, even if it were for the betterment of your mentality, I did it for myself also."

"But what could I possibly have that could make me any different from any other soldier? Hundreds of soldiers, and I was one of the people you willingly sent off purely because of courage?" I respond, leaning forward on my knees.

"Potential. I see a soldier full of capabilities in you." He replies resting his hand on his knee, "It was stupid really, but your brother requesting your transfer was so perfectly timed it was an opportunity I couldn't pass up. Of course, there was a bit of hesitance, sending you to a different regiment meant giving one of my best soldiers up just to prove a point. But you eventually took the initiative to leave Garrison on your own accord simply because you felt it wasn't right there."

"You couldn't have given me a clue or anything?" I ask frustrated. "I missed out on so much in six whole years, Erwin. That was so much growing that I could've done, that the regiment could've gone through and yet you robbed me of it." I sigh.

"I understand you were lost for the time, but what matters is you're with us now, and how conveniently timed was that?" He smiles before mimicking my actions, leaning forward and looking me dead in the eye. His body was square with mine, demanding he capture my attention. "We need you now more than ever, Y/N. With all these secrets being thrown around the walls, all the history that's yet to be made, I need your help to discover these things." He deadpans. His eyes, blue like the dusk sky, drilled into my own, the sincerity of his words accompanied and solidified with the serious and professional expression that had taken over his face.

"I understand that." I reply meekly, my voice barely louder than a whisper. "But you should know I will be holding my time robbery against you for as long as I possibly can." I smile making him scoff before letting out a snort.

"It seems as though I don't have a choice in the matter." He laughed. I shook my head, fidgeting with the bandages on my hands slightly with a small grin on my face.

"You don't. Even if you did have a choice, we all know I'm stubborn." I say, making it his turn it shake his head.

"You are. Though it's a characteristic that makes you, you." I shrug knowingly in response, a sharp exhale leaving his nose in an attempt to laugh. "I know it will take some time to regain your trust, young Y/N-"

𝔇𝔢𝔣𝔦𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢 (𝔏𝔢𝔳𝔦 𝔵 ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯)Where stories live. Discover now