XLI - Scissors And A Razor

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A spoon.


Later that night, the squad settled down in the Mess Hall with hot cups of tea sitting on the table in front of us. I sat in my chair, my eyes not moving from my hands that rested on my lap, my thumbs lightly rubbing against each other at the strange silence that decided to occupy the room.

The door burst open, making a sudden racket in the room but I didn't bother to look up to know who it was, two other sets of footsteps soon following after the chaotic steps of the glass-eyed brunette.

"What, were you taking a long shit?" Levi deadpans as he takes a seat beside me.

"Nope, a pleasant one." Hange replies back casually. I held back a snicker at her remark, still not looking up so they couldn't see the amusement on my face. "Anyways, so Eren, let's start with you looking at this." Her statement made me look up, watching as she placed something wrapped in a cloth on table, unfolding it and revealing none other than a teaspoon.

"A spoon?" Eren questions, clearly perplexed by where Hange was going with this.

"Yes, your titan hand was holding this spoon, like this, between your index and thumb." Hange explains demonstrating. "And in no way, the pressure nor the heat emitted from your hand didn't affect the shape of it." I rested my chin in the palm of my hand, my fingers covering my lips as I thought about theories.

"Any idea why?" Hange asks.

"Not really, no." Eren replies in thought. "I just accidentally knocked it off the table as Y/N was harassing me, went to pick it up and then I changed."

"Hmm." Hange hums as she thought about possibilities. "These all somewhat add up." She mutters to herself, her gaze averting from the spoon in her hand to the table everyone sat around.

"What does?" Levi asks, wording everyone's thoughts as the squad look at each other, still reluctant about being in the same room as Eren.

"The boulder, the cannon, the spoon." She says as though it were obvious. "The ability seems to only trigger when the shifter has a solid goal in mind, not only by harming yourself."

"That would make sense." I say with a shrug.

"Of course." Eren mumbles to himself as he cups his chin with his hand. "I intended to block the wall, stop the blow from the cannon and pick up the spoon."

"So-" Eld began, the first one of the whole squad to speak up. "-you didn't intend to transform?" He questioned. Eren shook his head.

"I tried telling you guys." Eren reasoned with a slight frown on his face. The quiet overcome the room as the squad all turned to look at each other, determined expressions on their faces as they all nod simultaneously in a silent agreement. They bring one of their hands up to their mouths, all biting in the same place Eren usually bites to transform. My eyes widened at their actions, their faces distorting into expressions of pain as they pull their hands away, revealing deep bitemarks mimicking that of Eren's.

"Damn, how can you do this so easily?" Eld asks.

"Wha-" Eren begins, his eyes just as wide as mine.

"We made an error in judgement." Gunther admits, his eyes showing only the truth. "This is our way of paying for it. I know it doesn't mean too much but-"

"It's our job to keep you in check. That still stands!" Oluo exclaims. "Don't push your limits!"

"We're sorry!" Petra exclaimed, struggling to look up at Eren. "You must think we're so foolish and pathetic for reacting the way we did. Even so, one person can't do too much." I look down at my hands once again, staring intently at the same spot everyone else had bit. The room fell silent at my equally as quiet gesture, my hand bringing itself up to my mouth.

𝔇𝔢𝔣𝔦𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢 (𝔏𝔢𝔳𝔦 𝔵 ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯)Where stories live. Discover now