LIV - The Book Of Nothing

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Or maybe it's something different from that?


Leaving the stranger outside, under the setting sun that created a wide palette of colors in the sky, I peek around the front door seeking any sign of Levi's whereas. I huff to myself, not too keen on an individual search party to seek my captains presence. Bidding farewell to the stranger with a small wave, I close the door and look both ways of the corridor, secretly hoping that with some sixth sense he had, he'd appear out of thin air.

To my misfortune, that never happened and I set out on a personal mission to find him. The halls weren't as busy anymore, the occasional soldier bypassing me with a small wrinkle between their eyebrows as they forced themselves to avert their gaze from me.

I tried to think of any place in this facility, that Levi would grant his presence. Typically I'd think of somewhere holding a quiet, calming atmosphere, since he wasn't usually the type to willingly involve himself with conversations that bid him no interest. A place that would match his persona, settled and subtle. Or perhaps a place where he could train, regardless of his injuries as he chose to ignore the painful calls of his joints or an order from his doctor. A way I personally liked to relieve stress, through physical exercise to which my mind pondered in the building calluses on my palms and the burning ache in my muscles.

But the difficult part, was that I had no idea the layout of this particular Headquarters, mainly because I never cared enough to memorize the halls and create a mental map, my intentions not involving staying here for more than a day or two. I knew of the basics; the mess hall, indoor training rooms, communal bathrooms, my own quarters and the personal office of our hotheaded commander. But beyond that remained a mystery to me, despite the discovery of few other rooms having already been under the spotlight and presented to me on a silver platter.

I wander the first floor of the building, knowing that peoples quarters were scarce due to the amount of activity that would multiply with time throughout the day. Most quarters were situated on the second and third floor, two floors where people weren't needed during the day unless Erwin called you up personally, his office placed four doors from my shared quarters with a soldier who had been stationed somewhere in Krolva, a district somewhere in the northern part of Rose.

I open a door that was labeled 'Library', the letters etched into the golden plaque that was screwed into the oak door, pushing through the door only to be met with tall shelves littered with hundreds of books. It smelt of old leather, a very faint tinge of mould as they slowly used the moisture in the air to spread through the room.

I proceeded further into the room, examining and admiring every book case, new and old, thick and thin. My fingertips brushed over the spine of a row of books, my hands gathering the dust onto the pads of my fingers. I hum to myself, indulging in the visual feast before me completely forgetting that I'm supposed to be searching for Levi somewhere in this wretched building. A certain book stole my attention, a rustic bronze colored spine with a thin coat of dust just barely hiding the nice shade of metallic brown.

It certainly stood out from the other books here, the bronze peeking passed the dust and just catching the soft candlelight that dimly illuminated the room in places the sun couldn't reach. I pick it off the shelf with a curiosity brewing in me, admiring the old cover with leather indents of some sort of pattern, something that looked like it belonged in a palace.

I open the book to the front cover, slowly taking steps over to a chair that resided next to a small nightstand that had few other books laying on it. I Tilt my head slightly as I read the words on the front page.

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