CVII - When Words Matter

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"And now that I know what it is, having you take my last name one day."



A flower that is known to have qualities that help fight against the struggles of insomnia, stress or even anxiety.

My face pressed into the soft pillows of Levi's bed, nose catching the gentle notes of lavender that had a scent that could lull me back to sleep. He had used the lavender oil I had gotten Hange and the squad to get for his birthday, evident in his linen. Lying on my stomach, arms folded on top of each other under the pillow my head rested on, Levi's soft even breaths barely audible as he stayed asleep beside me. His legs touching mine, a tender reminder for the both of us that we were both there.

Peeking through slits in my eyelids, my gaze followed the strip of light on the bathroom door cast from the sun that managed to peep through a tiny gap in the curtains. I closed my eyes again, turning over in the bed and bringing the blankets up to my nose. That movement alone seemed to ignite a fierce aching in my intimate area, reminding me of the night before.

The feeling of his lips along my jaw, his mouth sucking at the skin on my neck as he was so deep inside me. The bruising grips of his hands on my thighs and hips, his nails dragging down my back, a painful acknowledgement of his pleasure that didn't seem to bother me at all. Recalling each sound, each feeling, each memory, all my senses return to me. The sensations so addicting, the sounds rewarding, the memories worth reminiscing about in the future. I sigh into the blanket, sinking further into them as my eyes slip closed again.

Just as I did that, Levi's nose let out a heavy exhale as he turned in the bed too, his arm reaching over me under the blanket before he shifted himself towards me, allowing his face to nuzzle into my neck with a small kiss. My own arms lazily reached around him, pressing my body against him, his bare chest emitting a heat that made me feel like I wasn't wearing a shirt at all. My fingers slowly made their way through his hair, rubbing lightly at his scalp earning a low groan from his throat. He was awake.

"Good morning, my love," I murmur, burying my nose in his locks, the name making him hum blissfully. I can't help the weak smile that came across my lips as his other arm reached under me, both his hands sliding under my shirt and lightly caressed at the skin there.

"Good morning, Mon Amour," he returned, volume matching my own.

"How did you sleep?" I whisper, pressing my lips to his head. His breath was hot on my neck, the feeling sending chills down my back.

"Perfectly," he croons softly, his hand sliding down my thigh as he urged it over his own, his legs tangling with mine. I smile, closing my eyes with the intent of falling back to sleep, the scent of him and lavender morphing into one and making me hum in content.

"What are we doing today?" I ask quietly, tone still hushed.

"This," he murmurs in return, his lips felt on my collarbone before he sighed and buried his face in my neck again. I muster up a small chuckle, his hands still rubbing soothingly gentle motions on my back.

"You want to stay in bed all day?" I question, smile still present on my face. He hummed lazily, his hands changing from the rubs to his fingers drumming on my skin lightly.

"We have no squad and I have twenty five years of sleep to catch up on. I'd quite happily spend the next twenty five years here with you," he mutters quietly. The words were heartwarming, and I'd spend the next twenty five years here with him too. I lean into him more, the compelling scent of his hair there to stay as I slowly fall back to sleep, his arms wrapped around me and his face in my neck.

𝔇𝔢𝔣𝔦𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢 (𝔏𝔢𝔳𝔦 𝔵 ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯)Where stories live. Discover now