P2 - Chapter Twelve

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Kinkajou giggled before heading up the stairs with my bag. Qibli led me into Turtle's living room (which was huge) where Umber was sitting crossed-legged on the couch. Umber turned around and his smile faded from his face into a frown when he noticed Qibli with his arm over my shoulders.

This time, I made sure he saw the dirty look I sent him.

Umber knew Qibli and I were dating now, so I don't know why he was still trying to win him over.

But what if he does win him over?

I quickly shook the thought away.

Qibli plopped down next to Umber and I sat down next to him as Turtle came around the corner.

"Any movie suggestions?" Turtle asked me as he picked up the remote control. "We've been searching for half an hour now. Qibli wants horror, Kinkajou wants adventure, Umber wants romance, and I don't really mind what we watch."

"Horror, for sure," I responded, making Turtle raise his eyebrows as a small smile tugged on the corner of his lip. "Some nice, gory stuff."

Again, I just like seeing blood in movies. It's satisfying.

"You guys won't believe what I caught Tsu and Riptide doing," Kinkajou said as she bounded down the stairs.

"Frankly, I don't really want to know," Qibli said, making Umber giggle.

I turned around to see Kinkajou holding up two matching unicorn onesies. I sighed, knowing what was going on. Kinkajou excitedly raised them up.

"Nope," I instantly said, crossing my arms. "You cannot convince me into that."


I sighed, walking down the stairs in my pink unicorn onesie. Qibli laughed at the sight of me and I huffed in annoyance. Qibli, Turtle, and Umber were all in the kitchen, looking for something in the cupboards.

"I don't want to talk about it," I mumbled as Qibli opened his mouth to tease me about it.

"Don't we look adorable?" Kinkajou asked as she bounded into the kitchen and wrapped one arm around my shoulders, pulling me into a side hug. "Look, we're matching!"

"Absolutely adorable," Qibli said, sending me a cheeky grin. I noticed Umber's eyes eyeing me up and down with a frown plastered onto his face. I uncomfortably shifted.

"We decided we're baking brownies," Turtle said, filling Kinkajou and me in. "I'm just looking for the batter..." Turtle crouched down to one of the lower cabinets and opened it. "Here it is," he said with a victorious smile on his face as he took out a box of brownies and stood up.

Kinkajou walked over and took it from his hands, reading the ingredients. "So, we need vegetable oil, two eggs, and water, but we'll just use milk."

"Why milk?" I asked.

"It adds more flavor than just plain old water," Kinkajou explained as she grinned up at me. I thought about that before shrugging in a way that said, 'True'.

"I'll get the oil," Umber offered as he looked in the cabinets for it.

"Good," Kinkajou said with a nod as she opened the box. "We'll need half a cup of that."

"I'll get the eggs," Qibli said as Turtle got out a bowl and placed it on the island. Kinkajou opened the bag of batter and poured it into the bowl. Qibli came back with two eggs as I sat down at the island.

"Can I mix?" I asked as Qibli cracked the eggs into the bowl. Umber finally came back with the oil and Turtle handed him the measuring cups.

"Sure!" Kinkajou said as she slid me the bowl.

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