Talk about it tomorrow?

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Hi, I'm thinking about creating a new story. I'll continue with this! But, Love Is For Children is at the back of my mind as I'm not sure if it is worth carrying on as I'm not very passionate about it and leave you amazing guys waiting for too long!

This one is really short, but I'm writing more.

Maria Hill was fast asleep on their couch, she was completely worn out from running back and forth between the avengers, the council and Fury. The Sokovia accords were going to ruin them, Maria had began biting her fingernails as a habit, a result from her stress. Her nails were fragile and cracked, leaving her flesh gritty and red. Ross was relentless, handing her piles upon piles of paperwork every time she saw him. He'd often make remarks about her wife, assessing Maria as if to get her to answer his one increasingly painful question; was Natasha going to sign the accords? YES! no?

The brunette was in deep slumber, she was usually alert. Being ex military and a Spy she had to always be at her best, she had to be aware of her surroundings. But their couch was so soft and Liho was no longer hissing and she was wearing Natty's hoodie. Her senses had been dumbed down, into a false security. 

When Natasha entered the apartment, she slammed the door. She was infuriated, they wanted Wanda locked up, she agreed with Tony the only way they could keep the witch safe was through house arrest which they had recently informed Vision. Steve was aggravated, but he just didn't see the same things the way she did. If Steve took Wanda, she'd become a fugitive, she would loose the family she had created, and so soon after the loss of Pietro. Natasha had told them she wasn't ready for her first mission, but no one listened. She didn't blame Wanda for her accident, she couldn't. She wasn't ready to fight, Natasha should have told the team not to bring her.

Natasha threw the apartment keys into the bowl, and chucked her shoes off leaving them in the hallway. She was definitely going to trip over them later or Maria. "Mia" she called out before stumbling in on her wife fast asleep on the sofa. Natasha was surprised she hadn't woken her up with all the noise she dragged into the house, but Natasha could see the tiredness on Maria's face. In their line of work both of them always looked tired, but this was something new. It was more than stress and sleep deprivation, this was torture through uncertainty. Neither of them knew how this was going to end, and both of them wanted to keep the other safe, Maria thought that if Natasha signs the accords she could keep her safe even though it would restrict both of their lives, and Natasha secretly knew deep down the only way she could keep Maria safe was if she left her. Ross would leave her alone and her life wouldn't be tied to Natasha's. Natasha was weighing her down, she knew it. 

Natasha lifted her wife up, Maria grumbling at Natasha waking her up. " Shush, Moya Lyubov'' (my love) Natasha whispered into Mia's ear, whilst guiding her half asleep wife into their bedroom. Maria groggily complied, relaxing completely in Natasha's embrace. Natasha was the only one Maria would allow to help her. Mia was usually stubborn and hell bent on doing things herself, but it was 5pm on a Wednesday and she had been up since 1am working, so letting her wife basically carry her half asleep body to bed so she wouldn't trip over her own feet was a given. 

She was warm in her wife's embrace, nuzzling deeper into her breast as a pillow. Natasha laughing quietly at Maria's lack off discreteness. Maria was well and truly exhausted, Natasha had to put an end to it. Maria shouldn't have to deal with all this work and all their arguments. Most days were spent with Maria and Natasha screaming at each other over the Accords, ending up with either one of them sleeping on the couch with Liho. The only reason they didn't fight today was because Maria was so worn out, she'd accept comfort from anyone at this point. Natasha continued to stroke her love's hair, Maria smiled faintly "Nat, it's gonna be okay" she wrapped her arm around her tightly before dozing off into a sweet slumber.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow okay?" Natasha whispered. But there wouldn't be a 'tomorrow' for them. By the time Thursday would roll along, she'd be fighting with her friends at The Leipzig-Halle Airport in Saxony, miles away from home. Running away with team cap, without even telling Maria. Not even leaving a note to say goodbye.

Maria woke up, it was still dark out. She checked her alarm, 5:45am. "Nat" she called out into the empty apartment, she was cold and wanted to sleep for a few more hours with her wife in bed next to her until they had to get up and face the world all over again. Well at least they'd do it together she thought. But she was wrong. She tripped over Natasha's shoes in the hallway, swearing lightly under her breath. "Natty?" she called out again. When there was no response she instantly checked their cupboard. Natasha's 'GO Bag' was gone, so was her tactical suit. Maria knew it, right then and there. Her wife was gone.

Her chest tightened, she fell to the floor. She had never felt so alone.

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