You should sit down, Mia.

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"Nick, where is she?" Maria had returned from the blip, it was so strange. One minute she existed, and the next she did not. The whole event had happened so fast she couldn't even recall what it felt like to disperse into atoms and fade away. When she returned, her immediate thought was to find her wife. She ran to their apartment, it was empty. It was also a mess, she hadn't left it in such a state this morning when she left for work. She knew her wife was messy, but the piles of unwashed clothes stacked up in the corner of the room couldn't be from one day and the several vodka bottles and instant noodle packets was concerning. She began to panic, immediately turned the tv on. The date, the date on the corner of the screen glared at her. Her hand flew to her moth, she audibly gasped with tears rolling down her eyes. It had been five years? She left her wife alone for five years? Natty had been alone for one thousand eight hundred and twenty five days.

She had no time to think, she had to find her. She drove to S.H.I.E.L.D hastily, storming into Fury's office. "Nick, where is she?" He couldn't look her in the eyes. He knew if he told her, he would lose his other daughter too. But he had to, "Nick, where the fuck is she?" Maria spat, now impatient. Fury internally died, turning around his eyes were red and wet. Maria's heart sunk.

"Mia" he started

"No." she shook her head, if he said it then it would mean it was true. She wanted to live in denial.

"You should sit down, Mia" he tried again

"No" she spat, "Nick, No!" her hands began to shake, they were sweaty and cold. Her heart began to palpitate, her head feeling stuffed. The world around her slowing down. She felt as if she was in slow motion and fast motion all at once. It was nauseating. Was she going to be sick. She didn't know, until she threw the contents of her stomach up over her shoes. She didn't have time for embarrassment. She didn't care about herself. "Nope. You're lying" she shouted pathetically.

Fury didn't know how to respond. he raised his hands up walking towards her, wanting to hold her and comfort her but she took three steps back. She didn't want anyone but Natasha to hold her. He cleared his shaky throat, "Mia, she's gone. The report is she saved everyone. She brought us back. It was her Mia"

"A report? A fucking report? She's not a fucking mission file Fury!" her head shaking in disbelief "she's my wife! She is every thing. She is my whole life. She is the reason I get up in the morning! The reason I know what love is. The reason for every thing! And you're telling me she is gone. She is dead." she choked on her last word, stumbling to the ground next to her own sick.

Nick tried again, but she wouldn't let him close. She swore at him every time he tried before she broke. "Get out" she screamed, he didn't move. It was his office after all, but she didn't care. "Fury I swear to god if you don't fucking leave"

"Mia- "

"FUCK OFF!" it was more than a scream, it was a shriek. A loud indication that Maria Hill was broken beyond repair. Fury nodded. He accepted her request.

He walked out, closing the door behind him.

Maria Hill was left all alone on the office floor. Screaming and crying to a god she didn't believe in. She no longer wished to be alive.

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