Hello, again Moya lyubov.

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Hi, I'm sorry about the ending of secret invasion. I hope this makes things better (: If you haven't watched it yet, don't read this! I love you all.

"It was you" her voice barely managed a whisper, a distant longingness look haunted her eyes as she looked up at Nick. He didn't know what to do, he didn't know what to say. His daughter was bleeding out in his arms, he couldn't lose her too. He'd only barely moved on from Natasha, he was regretting leaving Maria on earth to grieve by herself. He knew he should've helped her, but she reminded him too much of Nat. But it didn't matter now, he was losing them both.

Her eyes were beginning to glaze over, Nick shook his head fervently to reassure it wasn't him who shot her but the skrull. She was trembling in his arms, her crimson blood painted his hands. She began to shake, Fury held her tightly praying he could take her pain away. He watched the light leave her eyes, his daughter was gone. He wanted to take her with him, to bury her. But he didn't have a chance, hands were grabbing him and pulling him away. He'd come back for her, give her the burial she deserved. Place her next to her wife, under that beautiful tall willow tree. He found solace that they'd be together again.

Maria's eyes instantly shot open, she bolted upright. Immediately checking her body for the bullet wound, but it wasn't there. She stared at her hands which were previously covered in blood, but they were clean.

"Hello, again Moya lyubov" came a sweet hushed voice, a voice Maria hadn't heard in two years, seven if you count the blip, Maria nearly choked before she had a chance to reply. It couldn't be, could it? She expected death to be, well, to be nothing. She expected it to just be black, similar to the blip. One moment you're here and the next you're gone. But instead she found herself in some random warmly lit white room, hearing her wife's voice.

Maria slowly turned her head, anxious if the woman she'd been waiting for wouldn't be there and it was just her mind playing games. But there she was, Natasha Romanoff. Daughter, Sister, Avenger, Wife.

"Natty?" Hill let out a sob. Natasha ran over to her in a second, cradling her in her arms. Making sure she felt safe and loved.

"I'm so sorry Moya lyubov, I'm so sorry." she shushed her, stroking her hair gently. Allowing Maria to cry softly.

"I missed you, I missed you. I came back and you were gone Natty. I tried, I really did try to get you back. I'm sorry" Maria was hysterical, shaking in her lover's embrace. She didn't care that she was dead, she only felt guilty that Natasha sacraficed herself for her.

"I missed you too Detka, you're not supposed to be here. You were supposed to have so much more time. I'm sorry, I love you so much. You're safe here, I promise you" Nat kissed Maria's head before pulling her away and placing her palms on both of Maria's cheeks. "Look at me Detka, look at me. That's it, good job" Natasha attempted to calm her down. "It wasn't your fault, Moya lyubov, it wasn't your fault"

"I love you Natty" Maria wrapped her arms back around her wife.

"I love you more Masha" Nat returned the embrace. "Maria, It wasn't Fury" she whispered tentatively, she needed Maria to know that it wasn't him who killed her.

"I know" Maria whispered quietly, letting out another sob. "I thought it was him at first, I didn't have enough time to tell him that I realised that it wasn't him. I was in his arms Natty, and within a second I woke up here" tears began to fill up her eyes again.

"I know the feeling detka, it happens rather fast." Natasha kissed her head again.

"Nat, where is 'here'?" Maria pulled away, taking in her surroundings.

"Some call it heaven, some call it Eden, some call it Jannah and some call it paradise. The list goes on Masha. But, It doesn't matter because it brings us all together" Nat smiled at her wife fondly.

"Us all?" Maria questioned, everything had happened so fast she hadn't had time to even think that there might be others besides Nat.

"Yes, Tony is here, T'Chaka, T' Challa, Vision, Pietro." Nat began her long list, Maria nodded at every name. "My friends from the Red Room are here too Masha, all of those poor little girls. They are all safe here" Natasha had tears in her own eyes.

"Maria, your mama is here" Natasha stated apprehensively, afraid of how Maria would take it.

"She's here ?" Maria grinned, her eyes lighting up, she looked soft as if the weight of the world had left her.

"Yes Masha, I met her when I first arrived. She told me that she was watching us, that she was happy we were together. She told me that she loves you so much and she's been waiting patiently to see you." Natasha smiled, Maria clung to her every word.

"What about you mother? Not Melina, your birth mother?" Maria asked, she always had to make sure that her wife was okay before she could focus on herself.

"She's here too!" Natasha's smile widened. Natasha stood up, offering her wife her hand. Maria took it excitedly, she'd never felt happier.

"Come on Masha, let me take you home"

BLACKHILL ANGSTOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora