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Hello, I am in the mood to write the most pettiest story ever which turns into fluff. The title is kinda funny because this story is not deep at all. I doubt you guys will even read it, it's so random. Sorry it's not angst.  Enjoy the fic! 

She was curled up into a ball, in agonising pain. If she could wish her existence away right now she honestly would. Maria Hill did not do 'weak' but right now she was exactly that. Liho strutted up to her and hissed sharply, not today Maria thought.

"ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT!" Maria shouted at the cat, throwing a cushion at it. Liho screeched and ran off, Maria smirked revelling in Liho's pain. "Yeh, fuck you Liho!" her celebration was cut short as another wave of cramps hit her. Fuck her life. She pushed her hands up into her hair, wanting to rip it out. Anything to distract herself from the pain of her fucking female anatomy destroying itself. Her hands went to her face, rubbing her eyes. She felt disgusting. Oily and tired. God she hated everything right now. She manged to roll over on the couch to curl up into a ball but this time facing inward to the cushion of the sofa. She banged her head on it a few times before letting out a pathetic scream. Frustration simply radiating from her body. 'FOR FUCK SAKE', Maria screamed.  She'd simply had enough. She couldn't get comfortable. Maria had tried sleeping in their bed, sitting on the couch, sitting on the floor, laying on her back on the floor. EVERYTHING. Nothing was working. Her cramps just wouldn't go.

She was about to cry for the fifth hundred time before she heard keys turning in the lock of their apartment. She thought it would be best not to cry in front of Nat again, after all she spent thirty minutes crying to Natasha last night about Liho and another thirty minutes in the morning because she was cold when Natasha got out of bed to go for work. Obviously, she knew neither of those things were worthy to cry about but with her hormones going haywire she couldn't help it. Maria Hill was no longer made out of ice. She was melting into a pathetic puddle of self pity and pain.

"Honey! I'm home!" Natasha called out into the hallway. Maria audibly scoffed and rolled her eyes, she was never showing Natasha any sort of American film again. "Awww poor baby" Natasha cooed, leaning down to give Maria a kiss on the cheek. Maria was annoyed, wiping the kiss off. Natasha frowned and tilted her head to look at Maria, this was unusual behaviour. Nat was usually the one who acted childish. Nat shrugged her shoulders and headed to the kitchen, she returned with a glass of water. Maria grunted once it was passed to her, she didn't feel like using her manners today. Nat tried to sit on the couch with her but Maria began kicking her. "Maria just chill out".

"Nat shut up" Maria whispered, but Nat heard her and began laughing. This was hilarious. Two weeks ago Natasha told Maria she accidentally broke Maria's favourite bracelet and Mia had kissed her and said it was okay. Natasha was used to Maria being 'chill'. But tis, well this was a whole new kettle of fish.

"Okayyyy" Natasha offered, getting up to give Maria some space. That her girlfriend so clearly needed. She began to leave the room but she heard Maria shouting-

"NATASHA WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?, JUST SHUT THE ACTUAL FUCK UP RIGHT NOW" Maria cried out, Natasha met her with confusion running back into the room. What the fuck did she do wrong?


"You're just going to leave me then?" Natasha just scratched her head at the question, didn't Maria want space? When she tried to sit with her, she had kicked her.... 

"Erm, no?" It sounded like a question rather than a statement, Mia's eyes began to tear up. Natasha's face went white, she felt more terrified in this moment than she did when Ultron kidnapped her. "Mia don't cry!" she rushed towards Maria to hold her hand, rubbing her phumb against it.

"I'm not crying!" Maria shouted, her face was red and puffy with tear streaks. Natasha just snorted at her, holding in a laugh. She knew if she did laugh, she'd be treading on dangerous grounds, and she was not sleeping on the sofa again. Her back still had knots in it from weeks ago.

"Okay, you're not crying" Natty kissed her cheek, now sitting on the floor next to the sofa still holding Mia's hand. "Mia, do you need anything?". Maria did not reply. Great! Nat thought, It's like talking to a brick wall. "Do you wanna watch a film?" Natasha questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes... but I'm choosing" Maria snatched the remote out of Natasha's hands.

"Come on, Mia my last choice wasn't that bad!" Maria just scowled at her, Natasha put her hands up in fake surrender. Maria had chosen to watch 'The Lion King'. Nat just scoffed and accepted her position on the floor.

Half way through the film Natasha felt something wet on her shoulder: Maria's tears. Nat just looked up at her, she really was losing the plot. "Mia?"


"What?" Natasha was now worried.

"HIS OWN FAMILY. SIMBA IS ALL ALONE NOW" Natasha relaxed, a soft chuckle erupting from her throat. Of course her Mia would cry at Mufasa's death but not shed a tear when she was shot in the leg. God she loved this woman insanely.

"Mia, shall we turn it off and go to bed?" Natasha's voice was soft and understanding, although she didn't completely understand at all. Maria just nodded her head, slowly, tears still threatening to fall from her eyes.

Natasha tucked Maria into the covers before climbing in after her, almost immediately Maria wrapped her hands around Natasha and shoved her face into Nat's chest. Nat started laughing again, Mia was finally comfortable. Liho jumped onto the edge of the bed and began purring at Nat before turning to Maria to hiss at her. "Screw you Liho! You're lucky Nat loves you or else I would've-"

"Mia are you threatening our child?"

"That is not my child, that is the spawn of Satan!" Mia huffed.

Natasha pulled her in tightly, keeping her warm. Placing a kiss on her head, "Go to sleep baby". Maria simply complied.

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