Chapter 87

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Chapter 87

    Those who are struggling to survive see hope, and those who have other plans sound the alarm.

    Fu Erdie listened to the daily news reported by the community, and at the same time changed the channel on time at 20:00 every day, listening to the news of the D city base or other base channels.

    As time progressed, bases large and small in various parts of Huaguo gradually had their own channels for communicating and exchanging information.

    It seems that most of the survivors know that they can trade with nearby bases when they need something for daily survival.

    But as far as the city D base and Butterfly Garden are concerned, this kind of information exchange is often limited to the local area, and the situation in farther places is not so clear.

    After all, for many bases, the long-distance water can't quench the near-thirst, and occasionally knowing how D City is doing well, how the Butterfly Garden is doing well, it has nothing to do with people who are often one or two thousand kilometers away.

    They would come to the channel of the base in city D to listen to the calls between the base in city D and Butterfly Garden, and receive information from the base in city D, but they would not share their own information.

    This kind of ambiguity became more and more prominent after confirming that most of the bases had been occupied by supernatural beings and driving away the ordinary people who had been rescued by the ZF before.

    Because for these superpowers who took over the base, they belonged to the "new faction" full of "elites". The management of the city D base has not changed, which belongs to the old school.

    The "New Pai" will still symbolically turn on the telegraph at 20:00 every day, and use a small amount of electricity to listen to whether there is any news.

    The power of many telegraph machines in small bases is completely maintained by the little bit of solar power generation, and I don’t want to waste any more, so as soon as 20:00 arrives, I can’t wait to contact the person I want to contact immediately, and send and receive messages as quickly as possible. , close immediately after getting useful news.

    It was originally agreed that no matter whether there was news or not, the telegraph would be turned on for half an hour every day, but it gradually became only 20 minutes, 10 minutes, and now it is only 5 minutes.

    The telegraphs in the small base are bought from the large base with technicians. If they break down after use, but cannot be repaired in time for various reasons, then these telegraphs are basically useless.

    Gradually, more and more people owned telegraphs, but the various information obtained by Fu Erdie and City D did not increase. Sometimes when I go to the channels of other bases, I even find that some bases are playing dumb fans. The translated words are not pinyin or English, but other languages, or even English, but they obviously refer to different meanings.

    This made the Outreach Department of City D a little confused and irritated.

    Fu Erdie and his party walked while playing, and listened to telegrams from other channels from time to time on the road, but in the end they didn't get any useful information, and they just kept walking down the mountain.

    By the end of January, they stopped and went, only walking seven to eight hundred kilometers.

    On January 24th, when Fuerdie and the others planned to park the plants on the first floor of Building No. 7 by the river, and then took the house into a box car to go home to the people in the community for treatment at the end of each month, they suddenly noticed that One hundred and thirty kilometers away from the river bank, there was a wave of 300,000 zombies.

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