On the way back, the zombies coming from other places were intermittently heard, and the number was controlled at about 1,000, so that when they returned to the community, there would be about 5,000 zombies.

    These zombies are all ordinary zombies. In order to make every cub exercise, Fu Erdie will not let the powerful green radish do mass destruction, but let the weak ones do it first, and then when the weak plants reach their limit, Let the experienced green radishes who have fought several times do it to demonstrate to the cubs.

    Since there were still 112 seeds of intelligent mutated plants that had not been planted, Fu Erdie left more than a hundred corpses of zombies. Put the zombie corpses in different positions, and put the fruit of wisdom mutation next to it.     These plants, which have never been able to find a chance to grow and germinate, quickly consume the few corrosive liquids to corrode the corpse as soon as they find an opportunity, and then switch to absorb nutrients to grow.     Their outbreaks are not as fast as dandelion seeds, because dandelion seeds have linkage characteristics, so even the initial intelligent mutant plant flocculent seeds will grow very quickly after selecting a growth point.     And these seeds and fruits, at the beginning of the mutation, were small and weak, unable to explode. But they can be spawned in just a few minutes and start to take root.     Fu Erdie emptied 112 intelligent mutant seeds next to each other, and put the newly produced fruits and seeds in the field of the house, waiting for the mutation screening to see if there could be new intelligent mutants.     At present, each building can be planted with more than a hundred intelligent mutants, and the areas outside the buildings in the community can also be densely planted with many things. It is still too early to fully plant, so you have to take your time.     In the blink of an eye, most of the day passed.     Fu Erdie continued to squeeze the crops with the rest of his powers, and stopped after producing 700 catties of grain. He maintained a good state and finished his meal. Finally, he didn't feel lethargic and collapsed like yesterday.     In the evening, another brief meeting was held, and after distributing the dozen or so crystal nuclei obtained today, Fu Erdie dragged the house to exercise.

    When simply pushing and pulling the ability without producing it, both Fu Erdie and the other party will feel more and more energetic, and the house will gradually upgrade little by little.

    When it was time to go to bed, Fu Erdie and Sang Wenhao slept together again, and at night the powers were upgraded automatically. Slowly, the powers and energy were further consolidated and upgraded, and it was a good night's dream.

    A few days passed in such a regular manner, and everyone's physical and mental states were getting better day by day.

    In the blink of an eye, it was the last day of December, which was also the last day of the first year of the last days.

    City D's base has already prepared people who are going to come to City C, and Fu Erdie's side is also ready to receive them, as well as sufficient food reserves, and announced something.

    "Sang Wenhao's ability has broken through the third level and has been promoted to the fourth level."

    Congratulations from everyone.

    Fu Erdie changed his style of painting and mentioned that he would go to see Cen Xiyang's parents in the next few days.

    As one of her two best friends, Cen Xiyang, having no news of her parents has always been a big deal.

    Fu Erdie and Sang Wenhao had tossed back and forth for a month to find their parents and grandma, but now they have rectified in the community for a few days, and at the same time let everyone get in touch for a few days, it is time to find Cen Xiyang's parents.

    In fact, everyone's relatives in City C are definitely more than immediate family members such as parents or children, but those who are farther away cannot be taken care of.

    Fu Erdie said: "Sang Wenhao and I are already very strong, and we should be able to quickly go back and forth between City C and its surrounding areas. Cen Xiyang, please give me the address where your parents may go, and I will look for it. You should continue to practice here .”

    Cen Xiyang was very excited, and subconsciously wanted to say that he could go with him.

    But soon she realized that Fu Erdie was not completely at ease with the other supernatural beings, so she needed to sit here and watch.

    Although she has only reached the second level now, she can't beat Ye Jia's wind blade. But isn't there still a third-order green radish?

    She needs to be here to settle the hearts of grandma, parents and the like.

    Cen Xiyang nodded: "Don't worry, I will train my abilities well."

    After listening to the conversation between the two, everyone's thoughts came alive.

    Can Fu Erdie think of her good friend's parents, and when she gets acquainted with her later, will she also think of their parents?

    Although it is still far away, and most of my parents are missing, at least... there is hope suddenly, isn't it?

    For a moment, everyone looked at Fu Erdie unconsciously and eagerly.

    Fu Erdie didn't express his opinion, but just ate quietly.

    The others were not disappointed either, and secretly felt a surge of energy in their hearts.

    Try, try, keep trying.

    To prove your worth, cherish what you have now.

    Professor Zhao felt sour when he thought about his daughter who was studying in university in Beijing.

    She is still alive like an ordinary middle-aged woman, and her daughter must still be waiting for her somewhere.

    Now that we see hope, no one can destroy it.

    She gripped the chopsticks tightly.

    For her daughter and herself, she must let this community, Fu Erdie, and everything here be fine.

    On the second day of the new year, the city D base sent people over.

    Cao Bingqing and Fu Chenghong had already prepared the place and arranged the dormitory and bed quilts according to the male and female distribution of the 22 people who came over.

    Since these people were going to live for a long time, they all had big bags and small bags, and they brought a lot of packages that were incompatible with the clean No. 7 building. Once they entered the gate of No. 7 building, it was very cramped.

    Cao Bingqing and his wife love cleanliness, but not only did they not dislike it, but they personally picked up the chemistry teacher's package, took a group of people upstairs, and introduced the situation here and the plants that should be paid attention to in each room.

    "These plants are spawned by my daughter's plant abilities. They can provide everyone with four catties of vegetables every day. Your daily rations and wages come from here. So you have to treat them well and don't hurt them." Cao Bingqing With a kind smile, "If you hurt these cuties who live together, something will happen."

    As soon as the words fell, everyone heard a click.

    Hearing the sound, he saw that at the corner of the stairs, an abandoned but heavy solid wood door panel was easily broken by a weak leaf and ground into powder bit by bit.

    The people who just heard these plant attributes were excited: "..."

    Instantly calmed down, and the temperature dropped physically.

Zombies are coming, I lie flat at homeWhere stories live. Discover now