Lexie hesitates for a moment before asking "Um, a ... resident at Hopkins wants to know why they don't normally do islet cell autotransplantation in a trauma patient. But we're not tweeting, so ..."

Richard thinks "Um ... in a trauma, the pancreas is usually too damaged. You can't get enough cells"

"I ... got another question from ... Emory"

"Mm. Go ahead"

"Will you use the portal vein to inject the islet cells into the liver?"

"Mm. Yes, but it's a little tricky. The portal vein is partially dissolved because of the enzymes"

"Ooh! Good answer. Oh, this is a message for you. It says, uh,"hi, chief Webber." "Dr. Neil Lefkoff, university of Miami." "I was a resident at Seattle Grace" "eight years ago." "It's a pleasure to be scrubbing in with you again, sir."

"Neil? Really? Well, I'll be damned"


Madelyn listens in awe as Richard discuss work he did with Ellis Grey "And before we had these machines, we used to mince up the pancreas and spin it ourselves. Dr. Ellis Grey taught me how to do that 20 years ago. I mean, she would take the ..."

"Okay, slow down, chief. I can only do 140 characters at a time" Lexie says

"Okay, she had this trick where, after the final washing, she would ... Oh, man, what was it? Oh, it was ... it was classic Ellis. Oh, now what ... Oh, damn. What was ... uh, no, forget it, put a pin in it. Uh, anyway she would take the, uh, messed up pancreas..."

Lexie and Madelyn share a look of amusement at how enthusiastic the chief is being


Bailey arrives back in the OR

"How's he doing?"

"Uh, he's stable. He's not acidotic or hypothermic. How many cells did you get?"

"Uh, 300, 000. Is that enough?"

"Uh, normally, you want about a million. But it's better than nothing"


After a successful surgery Madelyn bumps into Owen

"Shepherd. I need to talk to you"

"Okay" Madelyn says knowing what ever conversation rehire about it have will not go well, seeing as Hunt still hasn't let her back on trauma

"I think you should reconsider becoming board certified in trauma"

"Excuse me?"

"I'm just not sure you're the right fit for a trauma surgeon"

"Well sir, respectfully if you let me back on your service you would see I know exactly what i'm doing when it comes to trauma"

"Respectfully Shepherd, I disagree. On top of that, any surgeon who wants to be double board certified, normally is out of the running for chief resident"

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