trauma certification

Start from the beginning

"Take a knee? He's gonna scalp them. We're in "apocalypse now, " and we're gonna get scalped" Madelyn mutters to herself after having enough of Owen and his craziness


"Okay, red team's patients have all died. Only blue team remains. Keep an eye on Karev. That's what resourceful looks like"

Owen walks over to the blue team and stops next to Madelyn

"Good effort, Shepherd. But this incision you made is too wide. You lacerated the superior thyroid arteries"

"Well, I just ..."

"Move on"

"Damn it!" Madelyn yells

"I hear it. I hear the helicopter" April says

"You what?" Madelyn looks at her like she's crazy

"I- I-I-I hear it! I hear it!"

"Oh, wake up! You don't hear the helicopter because "a," it's imaginary, and "b," the imaginary helicopter is never coming! Hunt's trying to break us, trying to teach us Some B.S. Lesson about how trauma isn't fair or whatever" Madelyn shouts

"We're not done until he says these dummies are dead. The end!" April defends

"That's not true!"

"No! You are wrong!"

Madelyn can't be bothered to argue anymore "Screw this. I'm done" she says woking away

"What? Madelyn!" April shouts

"Shepherd, where are you going?" Owen asks but gets no response

"Shepherd. Shepherd, get back here." Owen shouts



"No" Madelyn says storming off


A dripping wet Madelyn makes her way to the lounge where Mark and Lexie are throwing a bon voyage party for Arizona and Callie, who are leaving tonight for Africa.

Madelyn walks in expecting the room to be full of people only to be met with Richard, Lexie and Mark

"Uhhh, where is everyone?" she asks confused

"It's a busy day?" Lexie shrugs "Aren't yuh supposed to be dough your trauma certification?"

Madelyn was going to explain how she walked out but remembered Richard was there so instead she said "Eh, I finished already"

Before anything else can be said Arizona and Callie arrive

"Bon voyage!"

"Oh, my God. It's a going away party. You guys." Arizona says trying to be nice

"Um ... This is a party?" Callie says clearly not impressed

"It's ... A busy day." Lexie says trying to excuse lame party

"No. Yeah, I mean, I'm ... I've just been at this hospital since residency. But, uh ... If people are too busy to see me off, Then they're too ... they're too busy"

"Callie ..." Arizona whispers

"Well, it's hard to blame 'em, Torres. I mean, we're down a couple of attendings. Things are going to be busier all around for a while" Richard replies

"Well, I'm glad you could find the time, chief ... With all your chief problems and big plans ... Which were what exactly?" Callie questions

"Now why would I just give away my good ideas?" the chief replies walking out leaving Madelyn very confused

"Oh, he's just crabby. He's messing with your head" Arizona tries to comfort Callie

"Yeah, well, I'll never know, will I?"

Arizona ignores her girlfriends snarky behaviour instead turns to the other three people in the room "Thank you, guys, so much. Um, I-I actually have to finish up some packing. So I'm gonna ... I'm gonna go"

"Good luck" Madelyn and Lexie both say

"Give 'em hell" Mark says making a Madelyn cringe internally

"Well, I should probably go find Owen" Madelyn says excusing herself

"Wait, why? I thought you finished?" Lexie asks

"Well...No. I walked away"

"What?" Lexie exclaims

"He was making up all these stupid rules, And it was making April go insane" Madelyn defends

"So you left?" Callie questions


"Good on you. Very...feminist of you" Mark says trying to be supportive

Madelyn offers him a forced smile of thanks in return before patting Callie on the shoulder "Good luck in Africa" she says before heading out

Madelyn did not find Owen, but Owen found her

"Shepherd, Hey. Hey. You don't get to just walk away when I'm teaching"

"Well, I did" Madelyn shrugs

"You don't get to quit, you need to finish what you start, so get back out there and finish!" Owen yells at the girl

"No" Madelyn says simply before continuing on her way to Joe's


"I can't wait until the next skills lab. I am totally on your team. "move or I'll run you down! " freakin' hilarious" Alex says to April as Madelyn approaches them

"Nice ass Lex" Madelyn compliments

"Shut up" Lexie says

"I'm not the only one who thinks so" Madelyn replies gesturing towards Mark who's been checking out Lexies ass

Lexie turns around and sighs making her way over to the man "Were you just checking out my ass?"

"Not the first time. Won't be the last" Mark says with a huge grin on his face

"No!" Lexie says pointing a finger in his face and walking back over to her friends

"I mean it is a nice ass" Madelyn says with a huge grin on her face

"Shut up" Lexie says lightly hitting her friends arm only making Madelyn's grin grow wider

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