Chapter 8: Puerto Vallarta

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[Skylar Jade]

"No!" Andy says.

"Andy, it's only for a little while. I have a house out there that Eddie gave me before he died. I'll have the boys with me." I say.

Andy and I were standing in his hotel room, arguing about me continuing my recovery at my beach house out in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I'll only be gone for 2 months.

"Then I'm going with you guys." He says.

"No. You need to be here and be on your tour with the guys. This tour is dedicated to Juliet." I say.

"I can delay it. You're suppose to be on the tour, too. Juliet wanted this to happen. You, Black Veil Brides, and her on a tour. But she's not here. If she loses her battle, Juliet would climb out her grave and kill me if I let anything happen to you." He says.

"Nothing will happen to me. Hunter, Stephanie and Vince are flying us there on a private jet. I'm gonna go out there and have a real and comforting recovery so I can come back to the U.S. and tour. Physically, mentally, and emotionally stronger. I'm under too much stress here." I say.

He sighs.

"I'm gonna come visit. All of us are. I'm gonna call every morning, day, and night. You don't answer, I'm flying out there." He says.

I smile and hug him. He tightly hugs me back.

"You guys can drive me." I say.

He nods and we go out to the living room.

"He finally agreed." I say.

They chuckle as Andy playfully rolled his eyes and gently pushed me. I giggle and hug his arm.

[Andy Biersack]

I watched as Alexandria sat in the passenger seat and I drove. The boys were in the back. I really didn't want them to go.

Hunter, Stephanie, and Vince were already at the airport and waiting at their private jet.

"You call as soon as you land and when you get to the house." I say.

"I will. I promise." She says.

I sigh and park. We each grab a bag of hers and the boys then walked them to the jet. Hunter grabbed the bags. I then stood in between Chris and Ashley.

"We'll see you guys in 2 months." Alex says.

She and the boys hug Ricky then Chris, Ronnie, Max, Craig, Jacky, Robert, Ryan, TJ, Derek, Kevin, CC, Jake, Jinxx, Ashley, then me.

"I love you guys." Alex says.

"We love you, too." Chris says.

Alex and the boys get on the jet with The Authority and they take off soon after. I sigh.

"You know... I remember those looks... The acts... You're falling for her..." Ashley says.

I look down.

"Juliet would want you to be happy with someone like her..." Ashley adds.

"And Alex is that girl.... I think Alex can cure you and you can cure Alex." Ronnie says.

I nod and we all leave.

~Hours later~

[Skylar Jade]

We landed in Mexico and Hunter drove us to the house Eddie had gave me before he died. It was a beautiful beach house (pic at the top) and I loved it. The boys are already imagining the fun they're gonna have.

"You sure you're gonna be ok out here?" He asks.

"Yes. Rey is going to coming out here to check up on us and so will my mom. I'm going to be calling them both and Andy and the bands and my friends." I say.

"And if any of your former co-workers asks me where you are?" He asks.

".... If they ask... I'm in Florida, recovering peacefully and do not disturb me. Especially Roman. I know he lives out there with his family." I say.

"Ok." He says as he pulls in to the house.

He gets mine and the boys' bags and takes them to our rooms then he comes back.

"Ok. Everything's settled. Call if you need anything." He says.

"Thank you." I say.

"Stay safe and get well, kid. I'll make sure to kick your dads ass if your mother hasn't already done it." He says and I laugh.

We hug and then he leaves. I close the door and go to my room. I get my phone and call Andy.

"Hello?" He asks.

"Hey. We're at the house." I say.

"Oh, thank god. You resting now?" He asks as I lay on the most comfortable fucking bed I've ever laid on.

"Yes." I say.

"Okay, good... Call me later. Get some sleep." He says.

"Okay." I say.

We say our goodbyes then hang up. I cuddle into the blankets then after a couple minutes I feel two bodies on each side of me, hugging me before I fall asleep.

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