Chapter 12: Return

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[Seth Rollins]

I was in Stephanie & Triple H's office as we talked over the plan for tonight when my phone rings. I look at the caller ID and see 'MischiefManaged' and smile.

"I'll be back." I say and walk out, answering the phone.

"How's the Skye?" I ask and hear her laugh.

"Hey, Sethie. Can you do me a favor?" She asks.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Come outside and help me sneak to Hunter & Stephanie's office." She says.

"You're here?!" I ask.

"Yes. Now come help me, dammit! I'm freezing my ass off out here!!" She says.

I laugh and hang up then run to the arena entrance. I see her in a hoodie and sunglasses. I crush her in a hug and lift her up as she giggles, hugging me back.

I sneak her past everyone then to Hunter & Stephanie's office. I close the door and everyone turns our way.

"I have someone who'd like to make their return." I say.

Skye then pulls down her hood and takes off her sunglasses. She was immediately grabbed in hugs by Hunter and Stephanie.

"Oh my god, sweetie. You're back." Steph says.

"Yeah. Colby told me about TNA coming back for another attempt on taking out the company. And... I talked to Colby, my band mates, Andy, my friends, and my mom about it and after doing some thinking... I decided to come back. Andy and I are not together anymore. He's too depressed about Juliet and I'm too in love with Jon that we decided to just remain and go back to being best friends." Skye says.

"Wow. So I'm guessing you have a comeback agenda." Hunter says.

"You know me so well. But I uh... I also have requests." Skye says.

"Let's hear it." Stephanie says.

I kiss Skye's head and we sit down. We then talk about her requests.

[Dean Ambrose]

I was with Joe at our entrance when Colby ran up.

"Where were you? We started to worry that TNA got you." Joe says.

"Sorry. Got held up with Hunter and Stephanie. Talking about plans and tonight's two big returns." He says.

"Like?" I ask.

"I can't say." He says.

"Come on, man. At least one." Joe says.

He sighs.

"Fine... Brock's back." Colby says.

"Daaayyyumm. Good luck TNA." I say and we laugh.


So Brock came back. He saved Undertaker and Kane from an 8 on 2 attack.

The guys and I just won our match against Mr. Anderson, Bully Ray, and Bobby Rhoode when we were attacked from behind.

I saw The Dudley Boyz. Great. Bully was on top of me, punching me. He then uses his chain and gets me up on my knees and starts choking me.

I then heard unfamiliar music followed by drum breaking screams and felt vibrations from the ring.

Where are the people that accused me?

I look and see... Skylar.

The ones who beat me down and bruised me
They hide just out of sight

She begins to walk down the ramp.

Can't face me in the light
They'll return but I'll be stronger

Anderson charges for Skylar, but...

God, I want to dream again

Skylar elbows the shit out of Anderson as she keeps walking.

Skylar slides in and tackled Bully to the ground, beating the hell out of him.

I leaned against the turnbuckle and saw Devon trash talking Roman, whom was beaten and on the ground. I saw Skylar get up and call to Devon.

Devon turned around and got speared to hell by Skylar Jade. Bully grabbed his brother and took off with the other TNA wrestlers as Skylar went for them.

Skylar called to them. Challenging them. Daring them to step in the ring with her. She changed. She has more tattoos and her hair was longer.

She looks even hotter but... Damn. Her theme plays as the fans went insane. I see Colby smirking. He knew.

I'm not mad. Wish he would have told me but oh well. I understand why he didn't.

Skylar locks eyes with me.

I'm honestly a little scared.

Skylar came over to me and... helped me up. She then helped Joe up. He was confused. She fist pounded Colby then went to ringside.

I watched her. She hugged her mom. Her mom kissed Skylar's head then Skylar goes backstage.

She's back.

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