Chapter 9: Where Are You?

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[Roman Reigns]

It's been a week now and no one has seen or heard from Skylar since Summerslam. I'm actually really worried. Hunter called out the whole roster. We were surrounding the ring now.

"I want Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, and Seth Rollins in the middle of this ring. Right now. So, I want you three mutts to get your asses in the middle of this ring." Hunter barks.

Seth, Dean, and I get in the ring and Hunter was fuming.

"You three make me sick... You pass yourselves off as three guys bringing Justice. You walk around saying you're the Hounds of Justice... There's an injustice that needs to be justified... The false accusations against Skylar Jade! She passed the lie detector test right in front of you and still no one believed her!" Hunter snaps.

I felt extremely guilty.

"All of you made sure Skylar lost... Interfering in the match... I have the right mind to fire every single one of you... But I can't... All I can do is punish. But before everyone gets their punishment... Here's the proof you all so badly and desperately needed." Hunter says.

~Video Record~

Hunter: What did you do?! What did you do to Skylar?!

Eric: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Hunter: Bullshit! Who'd you threaten to beat?! Where'd you hurt her?!

Eric: I didn't hurt her... Let's just say... Devon was able to lace her drink and let her open up about her complications between her and Dean Ambrose in their relationship and how she feels that she's to blame as everyone is saying... Bully... She fought back... She paid the price.

Hunter: Just what exactly do you mean by she paid the price.

Bully Ray: I raped her. I raped and I beat her so bad she was unconscious. I constantly slipped drugs into her drinks so she couldn't fight back too hard. All those pictures everyone saw, they were edited and photoshopped. I took pictures from when Jeff was with her and just had them replace Jeff with me and modify her looks. Your employees are so stupid and naive. Some loyal friends they are to sweet little Skylar.

Stephanie: You son of bitch.

Bully: Poor Skylar was telling the truth all along... And her so called friends who promised to never leave her side or leave her regardless... Left her... And that sad excuse of a boyfriend of hers even left her... Broke her heart on national TV as her so called fans cheered him on... Poor, poor, Skylar is all on her own... damaged beyond repair, lost in her own darkness in her head... but don't worry... I'll take real good care of her.

Hunter: The hell you will!

Then there was punches and then yelling by security and Hunter.

Hunter: Get their asses out of my building and put their sick asses in jail!

~End of Tape~

I.... Am speechless. She... S—... Bully Ray raped and beat her?!

Colby looked like a puppy that just watched his mother get killed. Jon... He looked like a werewolf on a rampage.

[Dean Ambrose]

I was all kinds of emotions. Anger, rage, saddened, guilty, pain. I just want my girl back.

I didn't believe her. I left her. When she always forgave me when I flipped out over something small or when I was being an idiot. She always had my back, no matter what. No questions asked.

I can't believe this. I even helped Colby and Joe triple powerbomb her through the announce table.

Joe has guilt written all over him. His hands covered his face as he bent over. Colby looked like a lost puppy.

"She was telling the truth all along...." Colby says.

"Where is she? I know you know where she is, now where is she?!" Joe roars.

"I can't and I won't tell you! That's the least I can do! You've done enough damage to that girl!" Hunter barks back.

"She's my girlfriend!" I roar, shocking the hell out of everyone.

"EX-girlfriend!" Hunter corrects.

I was shaking in anger as he said that. Colby and Joe held me back as The Authority went backstage.

I can't stop thinking about her.

Baby... Where are you?

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