Chapter 1: The Challenge

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June 2015

[Roman Reigns]

It's been 2 months since Skylar turned her back on us.

What happened to my babygurl?
My little sister?
The one that never stood for betrayal.

Tonight, mine and Skylar's rivalry steps it up a notch. I'm adding in my own touch. The Authority will be pissed but oh well.

Mark (The Undertaker) has been hanging around with us more. He blew up on Skylar and hasn't talked to her either. No one has. In a way, I felt bad but... I don't know.

Something feels wrong. I've been having this weird feeling. I don't know what it is.

"You ready?" Mark asks me.

"Yeah... I'm ready. She's not gonna expect this." I say.

"Just don't hurt her too bad... She's still my daughter. Sara's already as pissed at me and all of us as it is. And she's also your best friend and ex-girlfriend." Mark tells me.

I nod.

"What?" Jon asks.

"Skylar and I dated when she was a senior in high school and I was 22. Broke up when I got with Galina and then dated again when she returned. Broke up when you guys started going out." I explain.

He was pissed. Understandable. Colby was quiet. The betrayal hit him the most. He was was the closest. I may have grown up with her but Colby somehow got even closer.

We go to the entrance after Mark wished us luck.

"Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. SHIELD."

We walk out and the fans went insane.

We got to the barricade and I looked around and saw a teenage girl with a Skylar Jade leather jacket and t-shirt on with a Women's title belt in the front row by the ramp.

I climb over the barricade and got in the ring. You see Skylar fans here and there. Surprised she still has fans.

"Aright Ima just cut to the chase... Skylar, get your little ass out here. Now." I say.

The fans went insane. Skylar's theme plays.

Yeah, I get it
You're an outcast
Always under attack
Always coming in last
Bringing up the past
No one owes you anything

I think
You need a shotgun blast
A kick in the ass
So paranoid
Watch your back!

Skylar walks out in regular clothes

Skylar walks out in regular clothes

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