I'll be there for you

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The Day after the wedding started slow. They agreed that they would help clean up the restaurant, but also to start doing that in the late afternoon. Maya woke up first around 9:30, which was late for her but considering, they didn't come home before 2 am and they didn't go to sleep long after, it was still very little sleep. Maya yawned. She wanted to just turn around and go back to sleep, but she also knew that wasn't happening. Her mind was already running at a 100 m/h. She had been able to push it all down for a little. First with dancing, although she did have a little breakdown in Carinas arms, then with Sex. She didn't want the excuses of men in the SFD to ruin her wedding, so she sucked it up and pushed it down. She knew this wasn't healthy and she knew that was just like her dads teachings, but she couldn't help it. Embrace the pain. But liing in bed next to the women she loved the most, everything came crashing onto her. She couldn't hold it back. Her dads voice screaming in her head, that she lost and being a lieutenant now, that she already reached captain, was a disgrace and she was nothing more that a dilletant, which is a fancy word for looser. Maya tryed to take deep breaths. She and Carina had been working on talking about feelings and healthy ways to process stuff, but this was a lot and so Maya decided to go on a run. She wanted to leave the bed but the movement made her wife wake up. "What are you doing?" she groaned. "Going for a run." Maya said. Carina frowned:"For fun or to push your feelings away?" "Hey. It is my way of processing. Talking is good sometimes, but i need to calm down enough to be able to talk and not spiral myself into nowhere, so i run." "So feelings." "Yes." Maya said and got up. "Can i get a kiss first?" "With pleasure." Maya leaned over to kiss Carina. But Carina pulled her over, which made Maya fall back on the bed. It took them a while to let go of eachother, but when they did they smiled. "Promise not to go to far." Carina wispered against Mayas lips. "Yes. An hour max and we can talk tonight, if you want. Today i want to be a happy newlywed and enjoy the day." "I always want to talk to my wife. But i understand. Tonight." "Wife, i love that."

When Maya came back an hour later the room smelled like coffee. "Oh. I love to come home to that smell." Maya said. "Hey." Carina said as Maya took her mug out of her hand. "Take your own." "We are married now, what is yours is mine." Maya smiled smuggly. Carina pouted. "Fine, i am getting myself a new cup full of hot fresh coffee." Maya laughed. "I waited until you came home for breakfast, so what do you want?" "I would kill for some french toast. But i would like to shower first." Maya said. "Yes. That is a good idea. So you shower and i make french toast?" Carina said. Maya acted like she thought about it and the said. "How about, we shower together and then we make french toast together." Carina smiled smuggly. And they left for their bathroom.

"This is so good." After their "shower", Carina had preapared breakfast. To prevent second degree burns, she had done it alone and Maya had prepared the guest room and the living room. "So my mom is going to stay with us, but she wants to move further away from my dad. She said she might call her sister, who lives in Florida, but my dad didn't like her socializing, so she doesn't know how this is going to work out. Andy left Sullivan, so she will be here aswell, but she said she is looking for a place asweel." Maya said, while roatating a bookshelf to give Andy some privacy. "It was very nice of them to stay at a hotel for one night." Carina said. "Well they wouldn't have wanted to be here, i think and i am going to have to pay for my moms room. All her banking runs over ... my dad... Wow, with every minute i hate him more." "Its okay. He did a lot of shitty things." "The point is, that is my moms money. My dad only worked halfdays, to coach me. I doubt he started to work more after i left, but my mom worked full days plus housework and raising kids." "What did your mom do for a living?" Carina asked as she set the pan on the table. "She was a home ec teacher at middle school." "Oh. That is nice." "Yes, she will be able to get on her own feet. She needs a divorce and move on and then she'll be fine, i think." "I hope so." Carina said and kissed Mayas forehead. "Now lets stop talking about my mom and her divorce. We got married. And i want to look at our wedding pictures." "oh yes. Dean made a dropbox for everyone to uplode their pictures, lets see what is in there."

"I think we might be almost done." Vic said. Maya nodded. They had broom cleaned and swiped the floors. Cleaned all the plates, glasses and cuttlery. Reset the tables and redecorated them. The kitchen was shining and ready for the normal everyday use tomorrow again. Vics parents had helped them and together they had cleaned everything within two hours. Everyone, being Maya, Carina, Andy, Kathrine, Vic, her parents, Theo and Travis, finished up what they were doing and then came back into the main area of the restaurant. "Thank you, everyone." Maya said. "For everything. The night was truly special and i am so greatfull to have a family like that." "I cannot say anything else. I was sad, none of my friends from the hospital could come, but we will celebrate with them once this pandemic crap is a little better. You made sure, i didn't miss a thing and i am so greatfull. Thank you." Carina said. Everyone was moved and so Maya decided to loosen up the mood. "I saw an ice cream truck down the street. Anyone in?" The entire group nodded in agreement. While they were walking down to get ice cream, Maya, Travis, Theo and Vic were joking around pushing eachother. The were laughing very hard. Carina was walking next to Mayas Mom talking to her and Vics parents, Lenya and Anthony, were in the back watching their daughter have fun with her friends. "I hope that Vic finds someone like Maya has Carina. These girls." Lenya said, Anthony kissed her on the cheak and said. "Well, she is younger, so she has time." Carina overheared the conversation. "She is younger than me. I'm 37, but Maya is 34 so just one year older, than Vic." She smiled. "Oh. But still. We will not rush her." Anthony said. "Yeah. Rushing love is not good, although her and Theo..." They laughed, but because Carina was turned around, she didn't see that the four firefighter infront of her had stopped for a full on tussle. She bumped into them they bumped into eachother and everyon fell over oneanother. Luckly everyone fell on the side walk and the grassy bid next to it and not the street, but they were kind of thrown off for a few seconds. Then they started laughing. Everyone got up and patted eachother on the shoulder. Maya helped Carina up. She seemed to be in some discomfort. "You okay?" Maya asked seriously. "Yeah. Just shocked." Maya kissed her. They walked on, now in a more civilized matter. Everyone seemingly fine, but Carina felt her right foot hurt more that she originaly thought.

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