Chapter 2: Two Types of Trainer's

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Third Person POV:

"Bulbasaur, Finish it with tackle" Y/n commanded as the Pidgey fainted and was called back by its trainer "You got lucky!" The kid said running away as Bulbasaur celebrated whilst being returned to its ball "So weak and dumb. Why'd I agree to this?" Y/n complained as he had just beaten every wild Pokémon and Trainers in the area making his bulbasaur level up by.. 4 levels? He had a clear bored face as he walked into the deeper parts of the forest seeing a familiar boy catch a sparrow "is that the kid who took Squirtle?" He said walking out as the kid turned to him "Oh? Are you another trainer?" He said in a very cocky tone as he reveled his Squirtle "... Yeah.." "Haha! Well I hope your ready to lose!" He said as squirtle got ready to battle a confident look on its face, clearly it hasn't lost a battle yet, but neither has bulbasaur, and HE has the type advantage "Let's just get this over with" y/n said throwing out his bulbasaur as the two starter's stared down with each other "Squirtle, Tackle!" "Bulbasaur, Growl"

The weaken'd attack landed as it left Squirtle open for a few seconds "Leech seed!" The seed landed onto Squirtle and then they were kicked away from the plant pokemon "Not bad, but not good enough, Withdraw!" "Growl then charm" it's attack lowered again and it was charmed by bulbasaur "What the-! Squirtle knock it off!" "Go ham bulbasaur" Bulbasaur began to swipe, and kick Squirtle multiple times as the auburn haired trainer yells at it too snap out of it.

"Finish it with tackle" Squirtle woke up and dodged the attack and kicked bulbasaur on its chin making it bounce back "...! Oh, this is new" y/n said eyes slightly wide "Took you long enough! Withdraw!" "Bulbasaur Magical Leaf" bulbasaur jumped into the air and shot multiple crescent leafs to Squirtle knocking it out as the attack was undodged-able. Bulbasaur celebrated once more as she won her first ACTUAL battle "...your definitely a good trainer" y/n said returning bulbasaur and walking away leaving Gary oak alone to regain his composure and confidence.


It was now raining and Y/n was now eating with bulbasaur, deciding to take a small break before leaving to viridian city. Well until a annoying voice Intruded their peace "God damn, this is why I'm reclusive!" Y/n said as bulbasaur let out a annoyed cry "let's go" y/n returned bulbasaur and walked away from the noise in a desperate attempt to keep his sanity, until it got louder. Angered he turned to see a boy running away from a flock of sparrow's and holding a pikachu in his hands "oh you've got to be KIDDING ME!!" He said running away this time in an attempt to save himself.

"HEY! CAN YOU HELP US!!" The boy behind y/n yelled in desperation as y/n ignored him and just ran faster, this wasn't his problem and he sure as hell didn't want to be involved in it "BUG OFF!" Before he had an idea turned and threw out bulbasaur "Charm!" He yelled as 3/4th of the flocks were charmed then they were all hit with a magical leaf "Don't worry pikachu, I'll protect you!" The boy said keeping pikachu behind him and standing infront of him protectingly as bulbasaur finished her attack and fell onto its stomach feeling the stamina from the other battles "You get tired now?!" Y/n yelled as he returned bulbasaur seeing that it took out half of the sparrows.

The remaining flock blasted to them as before they could attack the pikachu jumped infront of the humans and blasted them with a powerful Thunderbolt. Then everyone their besides y/n was knocked out as he was breathing heavily "..What did I get myself into?" He looked at the kid before Turing and leaving them, they'll live and this whole thing isn't his problem. "What a dumb trainer"

-The End-

Bulbasaur level in the beginning-8
Bulbasaur current Level-14

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