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    Ning Mixiang smiled, and stretched out her chopsticks to the plate of braised short ribs, "I'll try it."

    Grandpa Lu saw that his daughter-in-law started to do it first, so he was not polite, so he picked up his chopsticks, picked up a piece of ribs, and tasted it. After that, she couldn't help but nodded, "It tastes good."

    Ning Mixiang also praised: "Is this the first time you make Mianmian? Although the taste is a bit salty, it's delicious. You can eat it the first time you make it." Cooking so deliciously is really talented, very talented in cooking."

    Ruan Mian's cheeks flushed slightly, Grandpa Lu and Ning Mixiang's praise was too exaggerated, he has self-knowledge and knows that what he cooks is not delicious.

    Lu Yang frowned and moved the plate of braised short ribs in front of him, and said displeasedly: "You guys eat less, this is made by Mianmian for me." "Stingy." Grandpa Lu didn't

    care After blowing his beard, he ate another rib.

    Ning Mixiang didn't care about Lu Yang's darkened face, and continued eating ribs on her own.

    Wu Yongjuan looked at them and couldn't help being a little angry. She worked so hard to make the table full of dishes, and the three of them didn't eat a few bites. Now because of a plate of ribs, they grabbed it!

    Ruan Heng couldn't help feeling sour in his heart, looked at Ruan Mian angrily, picked up the chopsticks and wanted to taste a piece of pork ribs, wanted to see what kind of magical power the ribs made by Ruan Mian could be so popular, it's a big deal He also learned how to make ribs, and it must be better than Ruan Mian's.

    He stretched out his chopsticks, and before he could touch the plate of ribs, he looked up and saw all three members of the Lu family staring over, like wolves protecting food, their eyes flickering with danger.

    "..." Ruan Heng silently put down his chopsticks.

    Don't dare to eat, don't dare to eat.

    Ning Mixiang ate a few mouthfuls of pork ribs, finally put down her chopsticks with satisfaction, wiped her mouth with a paper towel, looked up at Wu Yongjuan, and pretended to ask casually: "I heard that you are on a blind date with Mianmian recently?" Wu Yongjuan's face was

    stiff After a while, she knew that it would not be pleasant to hear about this matter, but since Wu Yongjuan asked, she could only bite the bullet and answer.

    "Yeah, Mianmian is an Omega. My elder brother and sister-in-law left early, leaving such a son, we naturally worry more about him. We are always afraid that he will have a bad life in the future and feel ashamed of his elder brother and sister-in-law, so I want to find him a good partner early, so that we can rest assured."

    Hearing her hypocritical words, Ning Mixiang couldn't help but want to complain, but she didn't show it on her face, just lightly He nodded lightly, pretending to agree and said: "You're right, now that Alpha and Omega are getting rarer and rarer, it's better to settle the marriage earlier, then what kind of partner do you think is suitable for Mianmian? Good match?"

    Of course Wu Yongjuan didn't think about this question, in her heart, as long as Ruan Mian can marry someone in her family, she can marry anyone.

    She thought about it, and said her criteria for choosing a partner for her son, "Of course, it's best to have a good character. If the family background and money are guaranteed, that's even better. Handsome and handsome are the first choice. The family members should also observe carefully, if the character is good, then it will be fine, so it is best to be familiar with someone who knows the basics, then it will be safe." She said, couldn't help but look

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