Chapter #36

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So I'm skipping Winters P.O.V
And going to Audrey's. I'm also on my last 2 chapters! Im Sad.      :( *Fake cries*

Audrey's P.O.V
I awake to Alison shaking me. Alison:"Wake up! Me and Winter have news for everyone!" Audrey:"I do too. Wait a sec." I get out of bed and shower. I get dressed and do my makeup and then go to the living room. Alison:"Winter,Audrey,and I have news for every one. Winter first." Winter gets up and stands. Winter:"Well after our appearance on Ellen I was offered a demo from Warnen bros music." She gulps. Winter:"I've been at their studio working on a album and singles. I release my Album tommorow and also go to on tour to promote it. I leave for L.A. then." She said tears forming. Alison:"Now Audrey." I look at her with a Wtf face? I groan and stand. Audrey:"Just like Winter after Ellen Tiger Bop magazine emailed me and offered me a job. I accepted. I leave for New York tomorrow." I say watching Harry's face drop. I shuffle into my seat. Looking at my feet. Alison:"Similar to Winter and Audrey I got a Email from one of the biggest modeling industrys in the U.S.A. They offered a Modeling job free of pay. I get to travel around the world for Free. I accepted and I leave tomorrow at 1." I feel tears rising and I'm fighting them back. Liam:"We got news actually too." I look at them confused. Liam:"We are going on our first leg of the On The Road Again Tour tomorrow." I let the tears fall and full on cry. Everyone else was crying. A run to Harry and hug him. Harry was like my BFF. I liked him more but I knew it would ruin our friend ship. I very onto his shoulder. I see Winter and Niall kissing. Winter still crying. They confesed they were a couple Yesterday. I look at Audrey at she's hugging Zayn kissing his check. I bring Louis into a hug. I'm going to miss these Crazy Fools.

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