Chapter #34

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Winters P.O.V
I lay next to Niall on the couch bored out if my mind. There was no Achool allowed because I was under aged. Which sucked balls! I turn around and kiss Niall and turn to watch the party. It was 12 and I was already tired as hell. I go into Niall's room and pass out.
I awake to a knock on the door. I get up still in my costume and open the door. Immediately a Camera zoomes in. Winter:"What the hell?" I say. Guy:"Cut! You can't be saying stuff like that! Roll again!" Winter:"Who r u?" Guy:"I'm here to take the video for opening night Tomorrow." Winter:"What's tommorow?" Guy:"There On The Road Again Tour." I jaw drops. I stomp into my room. I've been here for half a year now and they still don't trust me? That hurts.

OK so I'm almost done with the book only like 5 chapters left! Don't worry Book Number #2 is coming! Again Thank you guys for 703 reads! Omfg that's amazing!! You guys are amaZAYN! ;) lol bye!

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