Chapter #24

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Hi guys! Its the author here! I hope all of you readers love the book! Don't think any Comment or vote goes unnoticed. I smile like a goof when reading the nice things you comment. (talking to you candyblossom18) Anyway BACK TO THE BOOK!
Winters P.O.V
I wake up before the sleeping baby.(A.K.A Niall) I try to wiggel out of his hold. He groans and holds tighter bringing me closer. He is crushing me. I sneakily wiggel out and breath normally. I smile and go get dressed. I walk down the stairs to be greeted by Louis and Liam. Louis:"So where did you sleep last night Winter?" He asked making me turn pink. Winter:"In Niall's room." I say biting down on Liam's toast. Louis:"Why??" He asked raising his eyebrow. Winter:"I couldn't sleep." I say taking a seat in a random chair. Liam:"You got a letter today." He handed me a white envelope. I grab it looking at it. I open it and Read the letter inside. OMG. Winter:"OMFG OMFG!" I scream.I was just invited to be on Ellen.

One Direction Kidnapped me?!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora