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Sejeong and her manager were sitting side by side in Jellyfish's boardroom. There was so much tension in the air you could almost feel it. Across from them were two members of the communications team, and right in front of them on the table were a few printouts they had asked Sejeong to look at.

On the papers were Hyoseop's Instagram posts that matched hers, her deleted Instagram post along with theories from the internet. Sejeong was surprised that the Jellyfish team would look into stuff like that, but when she herself looked at them, she could understand why. A lot of people were beginning to pick up on the mannerisms that she and Hyoseop only shared with each other. Some of the theories were absolute rubbish, but she'd be lying if she said none of them were true.

"So, are you in a relationship with him?"

Sejeong glanced at her manager, looking for some sort of guidance. Her manager definitely noticed and ever so slightly shook her head.


The people across her looked at each other before one of them spoke up, "Let me rephrase the question, is there anything going on between the two of you? Are you seeing each other, doesn't matter if there's a label on it or not?"

She felt her manager tap her on the knee and made an 'X', "No, there is nothing going on between the two of us at the moment."

She was lying, but at the moment she didn't have a choice.

"Are you absolutely certain?"


One of them leaned forward, "Sejeong-ah, you know that based on what we tell you today, it will shape our narrative if this story gets noisy enough, so think carefully about what you answer. I'm going to give you one last chance to answer us properly, are you and Ahn Hyoseop together in any sort of romantic capacity?"

Sejeong's heartbeat was so loud she could barely hear her own thoughts, "No, not at this moment."

"Not at this moment?"

"It means, she will let you know once the situation changes between the two of them," her manager jumps in, "at the moment, they are very close friends. If a romantic relationship ever develops, you will be the first to hear from her."

That answer seemed to satisfy the Jellyfish team, "Alright then, we have no reason to be concerned. Sejeong-ah, we're only doing this to protect you. The company really values you. Please let us know if you are considering getting into a relationship."

Sejeong needed to stop herself from rolling her eyes, she felt like they were talking about her as an asset, not a human being, "Sure."

"Dismissed then, please go back to your schedule, thank you for taking the time to meet with us."

Sejeong grabbed her bag so quickly and walked out the door, her manager struggling to keep up behind her.

"Sejeong-ah, wait!"

Sejeong turned around, "We need to talk. In the car, now."

She practically sprinted to the car, she felt like putting as much distance as possible between her and the company. Once they got to the car, Sejeong quickly buckled her seatbelt as her manager stepped on the gas. Both were silent for a while before Sejeong sighed and spoke up.

"Why did we lie to them?"

"We didn't, you're not in a relationship right now."

"Mae-nim," she rubbed her temples, "that's not exactly true and we know that."

"Which also means it's not exactly wrong and you know that."

Sejeong looked at her manager, "But they asked if there were any romantic feelings between us and we downright said no!"

Some call it fate (Ahn Hyoseop x Kim Sejeong)Where stories live. Discover now