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"I've lost my mind... I really have lost my mind." 

Sejeong muttered to herself over and over again while her finger hovered over the 'delete' button on her screen. She swiped down to view her notifications, 10 missed calls from her manager, and another fifteen texts all saying, "Delete it now before the company sees it."

There was, however, one text that made her heart race.

"Call me when you're home."

To delete or not to delete, that is the question. To be honest, she didn't see the point of deleting the post, it had been up for nearly half an hour, and she could see that thousands of people have already listened to the song. It was out there on the internet, deleting it would just make things worse.

On the other hand, if she didn't delete it, she'd have a very eventful new year's day, probably getting scolded by more than half of Jellyfish's management.

And so she pressed 2 on speed dial, knowing her manager would pick up in an instant.

"Goddamit Sejeong, finally."

"I'll delete it."

She heard a sigh of relief from the other side of the phone, "As you should. Sejeong what were you thinking?"

"I don't know," she replied while flipping back to Instagram, "I don't think I was... I just... I had a glass of champagne and I was just happy so..." she pressed the delete button and flicked back to Soundcloud, clicking the edit button.

"Sejeong-ah, I know how you feel about him but you need to be careful."

She changed the cover image on her post and once again flicked back to Instagram, clicking the upload button, "It wasn't about that, I just had a really good night and I wanted to share that with everyone. I'm working on a new post now."

"Okay, you're going to write it as I sent to you in messages."

"But don't you think it's too obvious? People have obviously seen the photo?"

"It's not about people seeing it, it's about how you've fixed it and whether or not your management knows that you did something about it."

Sejeong rolled her eyes, "Fine. There, I sent it."

Her manager sighed once again, "Thank you, and I'm sorry, you know I want you to be happy."

"It's not a big deal."

"But it is, it shouldn't have to be this way."

Sejeong leaned her head on the car seat and closed her eyes, "It's fine."

"Sejeong-ah," she could picture her manager sitting down on the couch, crossing her arms, "you don't have to pretend with me. I just wish you would make a decision."

She opened her eyes and looked out the window, "You said so yourself I'd get into so much trouble if they found out. Besides, I can't be selfish. I can't repay my fans that way."

"How many times have I told you that if you wanted to be with him, I will support you. We just have to do it the right way. No sneaking around, no subtle hints here and there, we go to the company and tell them that this is what you want. Also, there is nothing selfish about following your heart. Your fans want you to be happy, they love you no matter what."

Sejeong massaged her temples, "I don't know, let's not think about it for now. I'm almost home."

"Do you want me to drop by? I can bring drinks"

She laughed, "That's probably the last thing I need right now. It's fine, stay with your family. I need to be up in a few hours anyway to drive and see mine."

Some call it fate (Ahn Hyoseop x Kim Sejeong)Where stories live. Discover now