"I'll be right back." I said, closing the door behind me.

"Are you going to let anyone know about the mark on your shoulder?" Ko'lae asked me. I took off my old shirt and looked at my reflection, my skin was very pale still, the black pentacle brand was the first thing I noticed, then I saw the white scar running across my left shoulder, and the white scar on my side.

"I don't know. Do you think I should?" I asked her.

"Maybe it would be a good thing to let some air touch it for a little while." Ko'lae replied. I nodded and walked to my closet, I had plenty of shirts that didn't have sleeves, and found one that I had never seen before. I grabbed it and found a note with it.

"Dear Rose.        This is a shirt that I once wore, it allowed plenty of freedom for movement and seeing as you fight beside your innocence, Ko'lae, I thought this shirt would work very well for you. You don't have to wear it, but you can if you wish.I love you.-Your Mother, Tsuki Kuro."

I read the note again and decided I was going to wear the shirt. I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror. The back of the shirt began just under my shoulder blades, just under the burn, and the front covered my chest and tied around my neck, there was no sleeves on it at all, and it was long.

"It fits you." Ko'lae told me. I put my gloves on, sliding my mother's bracelet over the one on my right hand, and looked at my hair, it was a slight mess so I ran a brush through it. I walked out of my room and smiled at the looks Link and Kanda gave me.

"You look amazing." Kanda said. I blushed and looked at the floor.

"It's a good thing." He chuckled. It was almost like Link wasn't there, and Kanda rubbed my cheek. I looked up and found myself looking into Kanda's eyes, our faces were less than an inch apart. He kissed me and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He held me close to him and held me. We pulled away from each other when Link cleared his throat and we fell into awkward silence.

"Is there anything you want to do?" Kanda asked me.

"Anything to get my mind off...my mother." I said.

"We could train?" Kanda said.

"That might be a good idea." I replied.

"Will you train with Ko'lae?" He asked me.

"No. I can only train efficiently when fighting akuma with her. I also need to train with my knife anyways." I said.

"You chose the perfect person, to train with." Kanda smiled.

"I wouldn't choose anyone else." I smiled.

"Shall we?" He asked.

"I actually have some questions for you two to answer." Link said. We ignored him, not really caring at all.

"We shall." I said, walking to the train room with him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tyki Mikk

I sat in the chair at the desk Tsuki always used and looked around the room. Signs of Tsuki's life were everywhere, a picture of her and me, her clothes, her paperwork, the files on her existence at the order all those years ago, I could still smell the perfume she always wore. She smelled like lunar flowers after rain, she had always smelled like that, and it was a constant reminder of her life. All the times she would sneak away from her master to talk with me, the nights we spent together on her way to the order. She was the only person in my life that I could trust, the one I could to go with trouble.

I loved her and would proudly say so, even if the earl asked I would admit it. I sat, letting my memories of her play out. Something warmed my leg, feeling like a cigarette was being pressed to it. I reached for my leg, feeling the slight burning sensation. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper, I unfolded it to reveal a picture of my wife and daughter. Tsuki and Rose were sitting next to each other, the stigmata were still forming on Rose's head, but yet, they were both smiling. They had the same smile, seductive and beautiful in every way. A teez landed on a piece of paper. I looked at it and saw my name carefully written on the front of the envelope. I opened and looked at the careful writing.

"Tyki, my love.          If you are reading this it means that my worst fear has come to pass. I have moved onto the next life, but will always watch over you. I don't know how to say this either, but if I could have I would have told you before my unfortunate end, however I died, but I went to the head nurse when I was feeling sick and found out that I was one month pregnant. If only we were able to raise our newest child if I had not died before giving birth to it. Please tell Rose about this when you think she is ready. I love you.                                                                         -Tsuki."

I was struck by shock by the knowledge of Tsuki being pregnant when Lulubell killed her. After the shock came pure rage, Lulubell killed my wife and unborn child, I would get my revenge if the chance arose. I crumpled the piece of paper I held in my hand out of anger and regretted ruining the last letter Tsuki had written for me. It didn't take very long for me to remember Rose. She had been through the loss of her mother and becoming a Noah. She was a new noah and it was up to me to help her learn her powers and control them.

"Teez, find Rose." I said. The teezthat had been flying around stopped in front of me and started to fly to the door. I followed it, only to find Rose and Kanda at one of the training rooms. There was someone with long blond hair, dressed in a business suit, and two dots on his forehead following them. I then noticed about three people wearing strange clothing and hats that covered their faces.

"Rose, Kanda." I said as I walked up. Rose turned around and held her hand out for the teez.

"Hello teez. Hey dad." she said. She was wearing the shirt that Tsuki was wearing the first day I met her; black, a back that began just under her shoulder blades, didn't have sleeves, covered her chest and tied around her neck; black pants, her normal black, knee high boots, black gloves that looked like sleeves that had a hole for her thumb to hold them in place, and Tsuki's bracelet.

"You look just like your mother." I said. She smiled and I recognized the depressed look that filed her eyes.

"I miss her too." I said.

"I barely knew her." She said, looking at the teez in her hand.

"She loved you, even if you didn't know her very well." I told her.

"I know, and I loved her, even when it seemed like I didn't." She said.

"You're a strong young girl." I said.

"I don't need the Earl to bring her back." She said, her voice stronger.

"You have her spirit," I smiled.

"I know she's with me." She replied, smiling a smile that reminded me of Tsuki.

"You are exactly like your mother." I said. She lowered her hand, the teez flew back to me, and the golem, Unmei, flew to me as well.

"Kanda is helping my train. I don't want to keep him waiting." She said, pulling a knife out of her boot and walking onto the training floor.

Innocence of the Shadow(A D-Gray Man Fanfic)Wattyawards First Place Winner 2015Where stories live. Discover now