Chapter 12: I Love her/him

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Shopping Center

—(Y/N) POV—

Futaro and I were in a shopping center with the girls. They wanted to buy new clothes for my friend because they didn't want to be ashamed of his appearance when we go on the school trip.

"I understand why you're doing this, but could you explain to me why you want me here? I could be training right now, you know?"

Ichika: "Don't be like that, (Y/N)! We're glad you're here."

Nino: "Yes, and we need someone with male fashion sense who can give us his opinion."

"Do you think so? In my opinion, I wear very ordinary clothes." I glanced over my clothes again.

Nino: "And that's exactly what we need. NORMAL. CLOTHES."

Wow. She really is in her element when it comes to fashion.

What followed was an entertainment for me. I burst out laughing when I saw Futaro dressed in an old Japanese style or cosplaying a rock star. Even the childish clothes Yotsuba picked made me tear up from laughing.

When Nino then made her choice, I was really amazed. Although she didn't like Futaro, she took her decision seriously, picked a good combination and made him seem like a... chill guy.

 chill guy

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"Wow. Very admirable. If I were a girl, I would declare my love to you right now, assuming I didn't know your personality." "I told him." "If I buy new clothing and need an honest evaluation or assistance, I'll contact you, Nino."

I winked at her. She blushed.

"I-I would like that." she said in a soft tone that she didn't often reveal.

Ha! Girls love to buy clothes.

"(Y/N)! Did you hear about the bonfire legend?" Yotsuba asked me excitedly.

I acted like I was crying and a tear came out of my eye.

"Yotsuba! Please! Don't bring that up again, okay? I've suffered enough already."

Miku: "What's wrong with him?"

Futaro: "The poor man got countless requests from classmates asking if they would dance with him. He broke the hearts of all the girls and that has been bothering him for a while."

NIno looked perplexed at first, but her charisma developed into joy.

"They were all such lovely girls. They didn't deserve all of this. I'm such a bad person." I said.

Itsuki patted my back: "You did the right thing. Dating in school is impure."


"Yo, Futaro! I found the female version of you!" I yelled.

"Huh!? Don't compare me to him! I'm not like him at all. Mmph!" Itsuki pouted.

You are almost exactly like him.

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