Prologue: Blinded by Love

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Four Years Ago

—(Y/N) POV—

"I love you. Please go out with me, Nino", said a young boy on the roof top of his middle school while bowing his head low. He was a shy boy who didn't stood out in his class. He was like a ghost. Average results in his exams, average in physical activities and average looks. In other words, he was nothing special. Yeah, that's me (Y/N)(L/N).

"What? That's why you called me here. Seriously, (L/N)-kun?" Nakano Nino is the name of this girl. She has long pink hair with two ribbons which had the shape of a butterfly. She was a rather sociable girl who was really popular not only among the guys but also among the girls. "Mmmmhhh let me think for a bit".

Now, you are surely asking yourself why is such a guy like me mustering up the courage asking such a girl like Nino out. Well the answer for me was obvious. If no boys in my school have the guts to ask her out, then maybe I've got a chance. After all, why can't a 13 year old boy have hopes to be with his dream girl.

Nino spoke after a few seconds of silence with a mischievous smile on her face. "Let's do this! If you can fulfil my needs maybe, just maybe, I will consider going out with you! But I will warn you. You probably won't endure it for a long time.".

"Yes, I will do anything for you. I can do it. I know I can." Yes, I was the biggest idiot in the world for saying this. I was prepared to be a dog for this girl. Pathetic right? But I wanted to spend time with her, get to know her. I had no confidence in myself and this was my first opportunity to become something special in life, stopping being the average boy.

"Now be prepared to be my slave. From now on, you will serve me and do whatever I say. Only then, you get a chance of me becoming your girlfriend. You should already be happy to stay by my side!" She had that proud smile again.

"I won't disappoint you!" Dumb. I was really Dumb. How embarrassing. Shame on me.

(Author's note: Wouldn't mind being her slave though)

"Alright. First, let me present you to my sisters. You will also have to help them if they need something. That's the first order you will get from me." Nino exclaimed.

I knew her sisters. They were the most talked group of people in our school so of course I knew them and already saw them a few times. These girls look really identical. They were in different classes though and I got to be in the same one as Nino. I heard that they were all kind people. Itsuki was the youngest, a glutton who loves food. Then there was Yotsuba, the forth sister. She was the smartest of them but her grades tended to decrease in the last few months. Miku was the middle sister. From the things I heard, she seemed to be like me. Introverted, shy and antisocial. Lastly, there was Ichika, the oldest sister. She seemed like the most mature person. Always calm and collected.

A Few Weeks Later

"Hey Nino, I got your Homework for next period," I yelled. We were currently in the main school hall. I spent the past few weeks doing the quints' homework, doing household chores, going shopping with them and carry their bags among other things.

"Good job, (Y/N)" praised Nino. She wasn't alone. Two of her best friends were beside her. "I don't need you now. See you after school (Y/N)."

"Yes Nino" I left her. But soon as I left their field of vision I realised that I still didn't give her the sandwich she had asked me for. So I made an 180 in order to give her the food, but stopped as soon as I heard them talking

"Wow Nino, you got yourself a pretty good dog here. Does he still think he can become your boyfriend?" asked Yamada, one of Nino's friends.

Nanase, the other friend, laughed: "I've seen many idiots in my life but he is the biggest one. How can a weird looking guy like him dare talking to someone as beautiful as you, Nino? (Y/N) isn't anything like the type of guys you like."

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