Chapter 17: The Confession (Finally)

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(A/n: Yo. Uhm... I apologize for taking so long. *innocent smile* I've also decided to post two chapters into one. So have fun!)

Next Day

—3rd person POV—

Nino returned home after a long day at school, feeling exhausted. She threw her bag on the ground and flopped down on the couch.

"Argh! It's so hard to avoid (Y/N)! Why do we have to sit next to each other?" Nino muttered to herself.

It's so frustrating to her that (Y/N) had a girlfriend. NIno couldn't help how she felt about him, but it's painful to her to be around him when she believes that he's taken. It hurt her every time they were together, and she couldn't bear the thought of being just friends. She's tried to ignore her feelings for (Y/N) and distanced herself from him, but it's becoming harder and harder to do so. Nino thought it wasn't fair to constantly subject herself to this kind of pain, so she assumed it was best if she just avoided him altogether.

Nino: "This place is so empty... I kinda miss home... I also miss (Y/N)... Why did I have to see him with that girl. Why couldn't I be her?"

She had been preoccupied with these thoughts for the past few days - from the moment she wakes up until she goes to bed, they lingered in her mind without dissipating.

*knock* *knock*

"Huh!? Who could it be?" Nino wondered.

"Room service!" The voice behind the door exclaimed.

Nino found it suspicious since she hadn't ordered any food. Assuming it was a mistake from the hotel staff, she opened the door to inform them.

But the one behind the door was the one guy she missed so much.

(Y/N): "Good afternoon, Nino! Thank you for letting me in!"

(Y/N) forced himself inside Nino's room.

Nino: "Wha-What are you doing here again?"

Nino blushed, feeling a rush of emotions. Having her crush appear at the moment she least expected and when she missed him the most made her heart race. However, she tried to act as though his intrusion bothered her and threatened to call security.

"Don't do that!" (Y/N) said, rushing to block her path to the speaker. As a consequence, he hit a bag containing some sheets. "If you don't want to listen, I'll have to use force, even though I don't want to!"

"Grrr!" Nino was bright red. Probably out of anger or probably not. "I won't get back! There's nothing you can do about it." She warned him.

"Relax! I'm not here to fight with you!"

"What else then!?"

"You know you're cute when you're angry?"

"Gah!" This took Nino by surprise. She was dumbfounded. "Sh-Shut up!"

"Mmh, fine tsun. Let's sit on the couch shall we? The past days you were living alone in this big room. I know that living alone sounds like freedom but after a while it just gets boring. Don't you want a bit of company."

Nino gave in. (Y/N)'s words just too convincing. She tended to become weak when she was around him and this was one of those moments.

(Y/N)'s gaze shifted toward the bag he had accidentally hit. He approached it and picked up one of the sheets, realizing they were the ones prepared by Futaro and himself."You've been doing these?" He asked.

Nino nodded, feeling a twinge of guilt. "You put so much effort into it that I couldn't just leave it like that. I... I feel bad about tearing the sheet... I'm sorry."

Beautiful Mistakes (Nino Nakano x Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن