Chapter 8: A Mother's Hope

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Ayaz knew he should do something to stop Badriya from killing the woman who had all the answers

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Ayaz knew he should do something to stop Badriya from killing the woman who had all the answers. She was quick to attack Tehzib, and he couldn't help admiring the fierce look that painted her face as she pointed the blade at Tehzib.

And here I thought I had a bad temper.

Tehzib spat at Badriya's face. "Go on, kill me. You might as well get rid of my miserable existence swiftly."

With a growl, Badriya inched her knife further, a drop of blood rolling down Tehzib's throat.

Ayaz took a step forward, his arm reaching for her shoulder. "Badriya, stop. Please."

"No!" she said under gritted teeth. "I won't stand by while she tells me that I've wasted my money and time when I could've just gotten answers from her damn father!"

Tehzib made a suppressed noise, something between a sputter and a laugh. "I can't believe he fooled you this far. That makes the two of us, bint."

"Shut your trap!" Badriya seethed. "I won't hear a word from you that has nothing to do with the Jewel."

"F-Fine," Tehzib choked out. "I'll tell you everything I know. Just... just get that cursed knife away from me."

Drawing a long breath, Badriya pushed herself up, distancing herself from Tehzib as much as she could inside the small tent. Ayaz lent a hand to the poor woman, who took it gladly as she pressed the tiny cut on her neck using a part of her sleeve.

Tehzib collected herself, dusting her dress using her free hand. She then turned to Ayaz. "If you were to leave without an answer from me, where would you have gone next?"

"Why are you—"

"To Khuraif," Ayaz answered before Badriya could finish her threat. "At least, that's where I'm going."

Tehzib raised a brow, but didn't press further. "Well, you are on the right path. Now I'm wondering why you even came here and asked for my help."

"Really? The Jewel is in Khuraif?" Badriya said.

"It's farther down," Tehzib said, still looking at Ayaz. "It's hidden in a cave deep in the mountains where they meet the sea."

And where two enemy nations lie, Ayaz wanted to add. He knew of the possibility that the Jewel could be outside Zecaj, but for it to end up just by the border? Impossible.

Going there was a death sentence. Even if the past rulers of Zecaj and Khadys agreed to leave a small portion of their territory as neutral grounds for the two, skirmishes and secret battles still occurred every now and then. Someone from Khadys could kill a Zecajian walking by the border, but as long as his feet were in no man's land, the killer was immune from the laws of both countries. While that meant he could walk free, someone else could step in and kill him as well and none would be the wiser.

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