Ghosts of the Past

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Ara gasped aloud as the cane fell across her shoulders. The sharp blow almost sent her to the ground, but she gripped her knees and braced herself.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Ara?" her grandfather scolded her, before bringing the cane down a second time.

Ara gave a muffled sob, her entire body flinching from the strike. "I did no wrong."

The stubborn defiant retort only angered her grandfather who proceeded to hit harder and faster. "You must never lay your hands on that boy." He emphasized each word clearly with a hard blow. "You should have left the punishment to me."

Ara gritted her teeth together, but it could not stop the tears from brimming over. The pain and frustration turned to anger, as she glared back at him. "Oh, don't deny it, Grandfather. You would have had my servant scourged to the bone for disobeying me, and let Emir off with naught but a scolding. I punished the two fairly and according to their crime."

"They are of different status," Chief Balor snapped, lowering the cane.

Ara sprang to her feet and turned to face him, her eyes blazing. "They were both dragged here to serve or die."

For a moment, the two stood facing each other. Then the Chief flung the cane away. "If you had asked, I would have let you punish your own slave. But Emir was not yours to touch. I have told you time and time again, he is not your subject."

"You would not have punished him as harshly as you would have anyone else. And you are a hypocrite, Grandfather. You tell me never to be merciful to those who disobey me, and yet you punish me when I obey you."

"You didn't punish him because he disobeyed you, Ara. You punished him to get to me, and I know it. You also know, I would have punished him fairly. You just wanted the satisfaction of hurting him and trying to test me." He turned towards the entry of the tent. "Brannon!" he called to the guard who stood sentry outside. "Fetch me Emir."

Ara's angry expression was replaced with one of fear. "Why do you call him? I punished him already."

"You punished him for disobeying you. I now must punish him for disobeying me."

The tent opened, and Emir entered, his walk obviously affected with a limp. But he still fell to the ground and bowed low to his chieftain.

"Forgive me, my lord," he whispered. "I failed you."

"What rules did I give you, Emir?"

Emir sat back on his heels, and bowed his head. "I must never leave the camp without permission. I must never set foot in any city of Runen. And...and I must never force the princess's hand. She should never have a reason to punish me."

"You have broken all three within these last several days. Because of your position, I can not punish you the way I would anyone else. You have been punished for disobeying Ara, but as for disobeying me, you will go and kneel outside for the whole night. Do you understand?"

Emir bowed his head lower. "Yes, my lord."

"Come here," Chief Balor gestured for him to come closer.

Without hesitation, Emir rose to his feet and came to stand before his leader. Despite fully expecting the blow, he made no move to avoid it and accepted in straight across his face. He stumbled back, but straightened himself for another. It did not come however. Chief Balor gestured for him to leave, before turning to Ara.

"Stop trying to avoid your destiny, Ara. I do not want to give it you, as much as you do not want to receive it. But if this is to be your future, I will do all in my power to set it right for you. Keep trying to defy me, and you will only cause others to suffer. Do you understand?"

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