Captain Lev

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Zaelan bowed his head low under the scrutinizing gaze of the tall Dune Captain. He started back in fright as the captain suddenly reached out to grab his chin, and firmly tilt his head back to study him closely with his dark narrow eyes.

"An unhealed branding scar, a torn misshapen ear and a great deal of bruising to the head," Captain Lev muttered to himself, turning Zaelan's head this way and that. "Tell me, boy. What side effects have shown since your beating?" He forcefully pulled Zaelan closer, and with a more gentle touch, inspected his ear closely. "Dried blood," he muttered to himself. "You received a severe blow to your ear it appears."

Zaelan tried to pull back but failed as the captain's grip tightened, almost crushing his jaw. A lone tear made its way down his cheek, but he resisted the urge to wipe it away. "I think I have lost hearing in that ear, sir. I am also unsteady on my feet and often feel nauseous. Forgive me, sir" he added unconsciously, seeing the displeasure on the captain's stern face.

The captain shook his head, finally releasing his iron grip and letting his hand drop. "I am not angry at you, boy. You had much potential, I believe. It is cruel they took that away from a soldier, and one so young at that. Death would have been far kinder."

Zaelan raised his eyes, visibly startled at his words. "You too..."

Captain Lev shook his head, cutting him off. "What happened has happened. But maybe there is hope for you still. It is my duty to do all in my power to bring that hope to life. And it is your duty to forget your self-pity and live for your master only. Do you understand?" When Zaelan gave a weak nod, he continued. "I will not be kinder just because you are not as capable as others. I expect you to give your best and will have no mercy if you do less than I think you are capable of. You will have the same duties as every man here. Run if you will, but be warned, you will be hunted like an animal and torn apart by your predators. Should you however, live as one of us, you will know a brotherhood like none before. So, live wisely, boy. You only have one life, after all."

Zaelan bowed his head. "Yes, sir. I will do my best, sir."

Captain Lev regarded him thoughtfully. "I would almost rather you weren't so meek and obedient. They really broke you, didn't they?"

Zaelan frowned at those words, and lifted his eyes to meet the captain's gaze once more.

"Don't despair so soon, lad. While you must obey the Lady's every whim as a slave should, only those chores she lays upon you are the ones of a slave. You will tend to her steed and to her hounds so doubt, but the orders that I give you will be of a captain to his underling. This means you will be paid well just as all the other men are. If you are both an obedient slave and a good soldier, you may one day buy your own freedom. Do you understand, lad? Your life isn't over. Maybe in some ways it has just begun."

Seeing Zaelan had understood and took his words to ponder, Captain Lev gestured for him to follow him. Zaelan walked two steps behind him, his mind still running over everything Captain Lev had said to him. As they passed through the camp, a small shrub caught Zaelan's eye. It was small and shriven, but growing defiantly in the hot sun, between two large boulders. If Zaelan hadn't had his head down in thought, he might have passed by without noticing it. Zaelan wasn't the most knowledgeable on the native plants, but this was one he could recognise without a doubt. It shone bright and clear in his mind, as he thought back to his first encounter with it.

"Taste it, I dare you," the older boy snidely demanded out of the blue, pushing Zaelan in the direction of what looked like an overgrown weed.

Zaelan glared at the boy suspiciously. They were in different classes at the military school, but the older boy seemed to get a taste of fun out of daring the younger boys into silly challenges. In return, the senior classmate would then offer advice or give them small private lessons to help them excel in their classes and earn the instructors favour.

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