chapter one hundred and fifteen

Start from the beginning

"You can. Me and Jisung have this agreement that if someone obviously likes the song or you change it and they say they like it, you have it to leave it on that song, even if you don't like it. Commercials are a free-for-all. Also, we have an aux cord and we just take turns unless one of us doesn't care."

"Just to clarify, do you want every song in a clean version if it's explicit?"

"You can put on the clean version if you want but me and Jisung do not care and some of the songs we like are explicit as well. Also, you're seventeen, I think you can handle it. But if any of me and Jisungs songs make you uncomfortable and you'd like us to play the clean version, we will. You might still hear the explicit version on accident in the apartment but we'll try our best to not let you hear it if you want."

"Oh, okay. What about genres?"

"What about them?"

"Is there like only a certain genre I can listen to or one I can't play?"


"Oh", Nina's face flushes at his tone. "Um yeah, is there anything, like, that I can't listen to?"

"No, what the fuck? I'm honestly very confused about these rules you had in your previous homes and I think you have a lot more freedom here—thank God. We'll tell you what's not okay but you can kinda do what you want. Just don't hurt yourself or anybody else."

"Oh, alright. If it's alright, can you tell me my limit on things?"

"Uh, can you be more specific?"

"Like how much of your money I can spend, how many items I can get of a certain thing, things like that."

"Oh, okay. That sounds normal to me. The other stuff, not really. Hey, how is it at the orphanage?"

Chenle listens as Nina explains, always nodding or making a sound to let her know he's listening. Even if there's an interruption, he always brings his attention back to the girl so he can listen, honestly surprising the girl with how attentive he is.

Walking into the shoe store, Nina says, "I'll get shoes that are on sale. Does it matter how discounted they are?"

Chenle shakes his head slowly and then says, "Just get whatever you want. I don't care if they're on sale or not. I just ask that you get what you like and that they're shoes you know you'll wear, okay?"

Nina nods.

One and Only♥️

One and Only♥️
Are you and Nina out?

Yeah. I'm getting her stuff she
needs. We're currently looking
for shoes
Her previous foster homes were
so strict
I know we're pretty chill but some
of it sounds ridiculous
She asked if there's a music genre
she's not allowed to listen to
She also tried to pay us back for
food we ran out of
I spoke to her about it
It's clearly gonna take time but I will
gladly spend my time helping her
learn to just be a child with a
guardian and that has us as a
support system

One and Only♥️
I agree 100%
I love listening to you talk about
You talk about Nina like she's our

It's on purpose, for the time being,
she is our kid and I want her to
feel like a kid, not a roommate and
definitely not an unwanted
roommate at that

One and Only♥️
I love you

You're making me blush in public

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