Throwing your belongings into your locker you switched shoes and equipped all your equipment tightly to your belt. No losing them  or have them be snatched by cosplaying squatters. With a pleased smile you leave the employee lounge to begin your night, 'maybe this won't be so bad after all?'

"Great! Work time! Worse time!" The blonde exclaimed loudly as he fiddled with his flash light trying to get the damn thing to work, with being successful after smacking it afew times. "Problem solved! Alrighty I'll see you on break! And by the way be there this time! You shouldn't ditch me so often." You shook your head as you waved back to him as you watch him scurry down the stairs into the atrium, disappearing into the distance.  You sigh unsure where to start "maybe Roxy race way? Or that eating fitness area..?" You mutter to yourself before your fazwatch starts going off. You jumped at the frightening noise do they want you dying of a heart attack?!

The watch displayed a alert in the upper stairs kitchen. "Kitchen? Wait what way is that?" You looked around trying to get some sort of direction to where you are supposed to go. "Does these alerts not go off on Goldie locks watch? Why is it always me- Wait does the bastard even have one?!"


Trailing through the upper level you manage to find your way into the place you needed to be, after being attacked by a few map robots.. you shiver at the idea of them jumping out at you. "Creepy" it wouldn't surprise you if they gave kids nightmares by having them programmed to do that. Maybe the word creepy has lost is complete meaning after being here for so long for you. A large Staff only kitchen sign was displayed on two red push open doors fancy. There was a window allowing you to peer inside the room, taking out your flashlight you shone a light in.

The light was no help finding nothing to be of concern. Are you at the right kitchen? Glancing down back at your watch as you click the flash light off the same message just repeated back in the screen.
"Great if it's a fire I'm walking out and letting this place burn to the ground." You said sarcastically as you push the doors open turning your flash light back on. The kitchen space was large to be expected of the mega pizza plex. The room was like four restaurant kitchens in one yet kept it's dark mysterious vibe.

As you took a look around you couldn't find anything to be concerned of, a tube of lipstick rolled into your flashlights view. Noticing it you went towards it crouching down to reach for the small object. "Weird-"  just when you were about to stand back up you were flung in the air flabbergasted you began panicking. Great just when you thought you were done with being thrown around. The flash light has fallen out of your grasp as you were lifted in the air from your under arms.

"it's so great to see you again!!" A feminine robotic voice squeaks in delight as she spins you around happily. "OKAY DOWN PLEASE DOWN!" you demand trying to make the animatronic put you down assuming it was one of the animatronics. 'Are they all like this? And did she mean by see you again?'

"Oh! I'm sorry dear!" The animatronic placed you down as you were trembling from the sudden playfulness. The flash light that once was laid to waste on the hard kitchen floor had now been picked up and moved towards your hand. "I didn't mean to scare you.. sorry excitement gets the best of me" the light loomed upon her it was definitely one of the entertainers. Which one was it? What was her name again? "Chicken?" You flat out guessed without realising you said it out loud.

"Chicken? Yes I'm a chicken but I don't think that's how you say my name little friend!" The white animatronic chuckled as your face became bright red from embarrassment.
"It's chica but good guess! Don't worry I am terrible at names too!" You blinked in confusion. 'Wasn't that one of the cosplayers names?' You took a better look at her she was white with colourful face paint with green earrings. She wore a hot pink aerobics jumpsuit with shoulder blades sticking out and mis match leg warmers. 1980's theme it was alright.

"Did something happen?" You tidy up your uniform from any extra creases that being thrown around had made. "Oh! Right I want help making pizza!" You stop what you are doing and look back up at her puzzled. "Wait you called me here... to make pizza?!"
"Yeah! Wait no sorry yes... we'll I'm allowed to call the night guard for stuff like this otherwise it's a fire hazard without someone watching.." still puzzled by the reasoning you were summoned.

"Please?" She begged with a pleading tone in her voice, too human like for a AI. With a short pause of thought stood stiff awkwardly unsure what to say. Instead of a verbal answer you nodded hesitantly causing a beam excitement appear from the animatronic chicken. She hugged you once more excitingly as she just held you there tightly.
She definitely grasp understand personal space instead of complaining you just allowed it to happen. Man what a push over you were but at least she was happy and wasn't strangling you like before.

Word count 1624

Rabid Yandere Monty x readerWhere stories live. Discover now